Remember those brothers that have to swim across rivers to get their meetings? Stop being a whimp! You gotta EARN that everlasting life. You need to prove that you DESERVE the UNDESERVED kindness. What better way than risking your life to get to a meeting.
-30 Wind Chill and the meeting WAS NOT Cancelled...What Idiots
by bronzefist 27 Replies latest jw friends
Yes! I was such a Pharisee! Idiot!
I remember once the furnace was broken at our hall--the meeting was not cancelled--they told us to dress warmly! I went--I didn't want to be a "fair weather christian"
The elders felt everyone should come and bask in the warmth of their brotherly love.
If it was just cold, we never lost a boasting session. The Kingdumb Hell is quite warm inside, even if it is very windy also. However, there should not be hounding sessions for those who do not make it, since there is always a chance the car will not start. (And worse if they have to travel 50 miles or more; it only takes one isolated area of whiteouts or extremely dangerous travel, especially in mountainous regions, to make it too dangerous or impossible to reach the Kingdumb Hell).
But, they need to use common sense. If it is snowing out enough to make travel too dangerous, or if the cost of going starts to exceed the actual benefit, the sensible thing is to cancel it. Of all the boasting sessions I attended, I cannot honestly say that any one of them was critical and needed to happen regardless of safety. And if it is a blizzard (for those in the deep south, 1" of snow can be as bad as 3 feet in the snow belts), unusually cold for the area, icy, the power is out, the winds are dangerous (meaning danger of blowing debris or having the car go out of control), or roads are flooded or washed out, there should be no boasting session until conditions improve.
Honestly, with all the boasting sessions I have been missing lately (it has been more than 3 years since I last attended one), I don't think I missed anything critical that I haven't caught right here online. I would rather attend the Apostate Congregation, in the comfort of my apartment, to get the latest (usually ahead of the active witlesses) than go out in even mildly adverse weather to make a boasting session (plus waste the time getting ready).
I wonder if there is anything so important in any one particular meeting that is worth risking life and safety over. It is just a meeting, right?
Jeremy C
I wonder if there is anything so important in any one particular meeting that is worth risking life and safety over. It is just a meeting, right?
Oh contraire. Timely and urgent reminders are being dispensed from the Faithful Slave's pie holes. Loving reminders are being given regarding the length of sister's dresses, demonstrations on how to place an Awake with a Buddhist, the hidden demonic origins of Yoga, and the local needs talks on keeping your children out of the restrooms during the meetings.
It is for these very life-saving waters of truth that one risks life and limb!
If YOU did not think it was good for YOU to go in bad weather, well then too bad for the 70.
Each BOE makes the decision as to whether to hold the meeting. Also I always felt that each individual and "family head" had to exercise good sense regarding their own family. As I pointed out, elder bodies in the same city would make opposite decisions, but I also knew that individuals would not risk their family's health either and would stay home. We are quite "independent" that way in the Midwest having quite a lot of experience of cold and snow.
I can remember the one BOE getting upset with the other who called off the made them look bad....elder ego, I guess.
is there help out there
What are these nut jobs going to do when the big A comes. All those who make the electrical power are going to be zapped. So no power to run the furnace, on lights, no power to get gas out of the ground etc. There all going to be sitting on the cold ground frezing there asses off and they call this paradise. I call it HELL.