and God forbid the righteous elders let the sisters wear pants in field service in nasty weather...
-30 Wind Chill and the meeting WAS NOT Cancelled...What Idiots
by bronzefist 27 Replies latest jw friends
Well I hope your KH has a windbreak big enough to park all the buggies behind. Driving a horse or mule in that kind of weather is cruel anyway.
You live in Wisconsin and moan about a little wind chill? Hell... you nut cases fill up Packer town on colder days and half those nitwits wear nothing but Green and Yellow body paint to games.
I bet many of those in green and gold are jws..................
I bet many of those in green and gold are jws.................. I bet they are too...........
It aint cold unless the propane freezes up in the line to the house.
I went to some meeting during some rather fierce frightening (to the family) rainstorms and didn't wonder why some didn't make it, I wondered what the hell I was doing there. (what an idiot I was)
Hey Hill......
You live in Wisconsin and moan about a little wind chill? Hell... you nut cases fill up Packer town on colder days and half those nitwits wear nothing but Green and Yellow body paint to games.
Those are CheeseHeads watching the Packers.....the Kingdom Hall only has AirHeads. Plus those at the game do the the Hall they do the BobbleHead Nod.
Those are CheeseHeads watching the Packers.....the Kingdom Hall only has AirHeads. Plus those at the game do the the Hall they do the BobbleHead Nod.
You never did the "wave" at an assembly?
One year when I was living in the busling metropolis of Montreal, the city was hit by a storn like they hadn't seen in a century, the year was 1971, I never seen so much snow. We also had our C.O. visit that same week. I would always get to the KH early enough to shovel the snow off the side walk and open the Kingdom Hall. Also the C.O, lived in the KH. There was so much snow and it was still storming out but I thought now one in their right mind would show up for service. But then on the other hand I showed up, well with in a short while I heard some of the pioneers coming into the hall. They all look like snowmen. I think there were six of us all together that included the CO, So we do the morning text and prayer and the CO says we will do return visits because of the weather condtions.
Which by all means made sense. So as we are doing our visits the CO says to us what does it mean to be by soundness of mind. I think one of us said to be wise, and he said yes, and now how many of you listened to the news before coming out today. I said I did and he said what did the weather forecaster say, Well we are to have this storm all day. And if we didn't have to go anywhere important we should stay at home and not drive our cars. Excellent he says. So then why are we out in this terrible weather when the weather forecaster tells us that it is extremely dangerous on the roads conditions are terrible sometimes zero visability. So if we had an accident and we were hurt or killed or we did that to someone else we would be bloodguilty before Jehovah, because we were told the condtions were dangerous and if we didn't have to be out we should stay at home.
So we all of course got the message loud and clear and he was right , the only reason I showed up was because of his visit otherwise I wouldn't have gone out in the service. So I was trying to please the CO and perhaps get injured like he said. We stopped for coffee and then he drove us all home and we all learned a valuable lesson that stormy day.
Be Balanced, and don't try and impress the Circuit Overseer
After that experience there were times I totaly refused to drive to the KH because it was storming outside. If the elders said the meetimg was a go I still refused to my life and my sons life in jeopardy, my husband use to say you drove through storms before, yes I have but not at night time and no one was going to tell me I had to, I would listen to the weather report and if the report said stay off the roads they are slippery and dangerous I refused to go no matter what the elders said or did
My life and the lives of others are involved I don't fool around.