Actually one is just a faded ragin apostate...I used my real picture on the could that be trouble? One of these babe/friends begged me to she has a blast on facebook...and said it a great way to make new friends...esp with some of hers....well anyhoo...her cousin is a model/actress i know a bit who also has a burlesque show she produces and performs life is good!.....oompa
i'm on facebook now, only 3 friends...all df babes!...trouble for me???
by oompa 38 Replies latest jw friends
oompa, oompa, oompa, what the hell are you doing? weren't you just worried wifey would run off with some dubbie boy a few days ago and now here you are, doing what?
:.I used my real picture on the could that be trouble?
Only if your real face is worse than your avatar face is in here!
I put my real picture on facebook and my place had 3 suicide bomb attacks within 30 minutes by a group who called themselves "Humanitarians."
Farkel -
oompa read WAY to much into any worry of mine was very tounge in cheek.......oomps
Bro Apostate...I dooo like spam!.......and grew up on Monty Py....Second city...and Benny hill.......thanks!...but that is NOT the three babes!..........oompa
I'm on facebook, too. I have a zillion apostate friends. The problem is, many of them I don't know who they are since they haven't shared with me their JWD monikers.
Brother Apostate
There are over 140 million active viewers of facebook.
There are less than 1 million of JWD.
Why the question, then?
If you would post your pic on FB, then why not on JWD?
Unless you really are Marty Feldman, that is.
BA- You asked for it, you got it.
PS- If it looks like SPAM, smells like SPAM, well....
bro. A:
There are over 140 million active viewers of facebook.
There are less than 1 million of JWD.
Why the question, then?
If you would post your pic on FB, then why not on JWD?
Unless you really are Marty Feldman, that is.
BA- You asked for it, you got it.
PS- If it looks like SPAM, smells like SPAM, well....
well...not sure actually....not sure on how much i want to be outed yet..........not even sure how this all works out.....but growing so tired of my situation right now...sorry...really have tried...really i have...really.........oompa
Link to your Facebook page, please.