The gift you gave will last a long time for you. You can imagine over and over again what she did with the money; a Christmas dinner, toys for the kids, much needed coats, a payment to keep the lights and heat on, or one of a million other things. Good for you!
I can't believe what I did.
by reneeisorym 88 Replies latest jw friends
What you did was amazing!!! No, you're not nuts! That woman has probably never had anything like that happen to her in her life, maybe never again..but she'll never forget it.
If more people had your kind heart, and could do what you did, the world would be such a better place for it!!
Merry Christmas Renee
XX Dee
Mrs. Fiorini
I think this was a lovely gesture of kindness on your part. And what a wonderful time to do it, too. Not only is this Christmas, but we're in the middle of a severe economic downturn. Now is the time to share what we have with others who have less. You have inspired me! I will give $100 to my local food bank in your honor!
That was a nice thing to do. Though by posting your good deed here publicly for all to read and talk about it, it loses something.
I think it inspires ...the message of kindness is in the deed and hearing the deed can move us to do more of the same.
Doing things to help others - whether the deed is small or large - monetary or not - pushes out good karma which in turn will eventually come back to you.
I think what you did was a good thing - don't sweat it - all that good stuff creates more good stuff came from your heart. sammieswife.
Snowbird says:.."For Vinny, The Great Moralizer, from The Message Bible: Matthew 7 A Simple Guide for Behavior
1 -5 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.
: )
All Vinny did was say by posting her good deed of giving to the poor here, PUBLICLY, that it lost a little something overall. And that is how I feel about it. Just my opinion... (well and Jesus' too I guess)... not that that means anything...
I then used a scripture (even folks snowbird should like that), to make the point for me. I did not even comment on the scripture. No need to.
Renee, you gave $100 to what appears like a very needy person. How can that be anything BUT a good thing? Tell me, how can such a gesture be possibly construed as "losing one's mind"?
You also post the website of which again promotes and supports such noble, goodhearted, anonymous gestures. Here, from the website itself:
(and notice this point from their homepage):
"Anonymity: They do not draw attention to themselves and strive to protect their personal identity and those of other Secret Santas".
**** Now Renee, what do you really expect by posting your good deed here on a very public JWD forum, with your own photo attached to your name? Of course it is a good thing that was done. Did you really expect people to say anything contrary? And nobody has.
My point is that such good deeds of giving to the poor are usually best when kept anonymous. Which is exactly what secretsantas is about and what jesus said directly.
Does it lessen the good ACT itself if others know about it? Not at all. At least not in my opinion.
Does it lessen the opinion one might have of the person doing the good act if it is eventually found out about through no fault of their own? Not in my view.
But would you say it may lesses the opinion one might have of the person doing the good act if they publicly post that good act online and ask for comments about it?
For me, yes it can to some degree.
And from what Jesus said, I would think any bible believer would not disagree with my stated opinion.
Just some food for thought then.
There is really nothing to debate here. I stated my opinion, I stated Jesus' opinion and that of the secret santa mantra itself.
If you or anyone else disagrees, fair enough, I can respect that too.
The important aspect here is that the person you helped knows what you did. And so does God.
And that is a good thing.
Vinny -
Snowbird, I have to laugh at that; do you see the irony here? You are doing to me exactly what you are counseling me for doing. Funny stuff going on from you. You might want to think things through just a bit before posting next time.
Vinny, those were the words of Jesus from The Message Bible.
You have heard of it, haven't you, you funny man?
You might want to think things through just a bit before posting next time.
Big Tex
Renee, leaving aside judgmental "christianity" snideness, I think what you did was outstanding. Call it paying forward if nothing else. Now give yourself the gift of making it okay inside you.
Money represents the embodiment of human energy. When it moves along there is a flow of energy. Giving it away has a multiplier effect. While it seems ideal for you to do this on the basis of need, part of the experience of giving it away is letting go of having control of the circumstances into which the energy flows.
You have certainly learned that it opens you up for energy to flow toward you.
"Secret Santa" Kurt -
Vinny, I pray that you can learn to "help" in a more positive way in the future.
Renee says:.."Vinny, I pray that you can learn to "help" in a more positive way in the future."
Maybe you can put an ad in the newspaper the next time you do some good secret santa deed too.
And ask for opinions about your good deed there, and if you lost your mind for doing the good deed.
Maybe USA Today will run an article for you too...
Maybe we can just call it The Secret Santas Non-Anonymous version Society.
All the best,