Renee says:.."BA, it was the attitude I was getting about it that hurt my feelings. It's a valid point."
***** Thanks Renee. I'll try to be a nicer and kinder Vinny then. I'm glad you see the point I was making has some merit. That's all.
But most of all here you helped somebody in need!
I can't believe what I did.
by reneeisorym 88 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, I skipped from page one to page four, and did the tone of this thread ever change! I don't want to read the middle of it.
I have done the same type of thing on several occasions. One time I was eating at a diner, and saw a woman who looked very sad and harried sitting at another table. When I paid, I gave the waiter an extra five bucks, and told him to please apply it to that woman's bill. ($5 might have covered her whole meal at the time.) And then I left. I have no idea if the waiter kept the money, or if he followed my directions. I like to imagine that he did the good thing, and that the woman's day was brightened just a little bit by a stranger's act of thoughtfulness.
I'm not saying this to brag. That would be pointless; who here really cares what I've done? I'm saying it to inspire, because when we feel like we're alone in our good deeds, we may not have the courage to follow through. But if we know that across the world others are being similarly thoughtful, we are emboldened to say or do the good, kind and generous thing. And the point of goodness is in actually doing the deeds, rather than just thinking the thoughts. -
She did a good thing but has a need for recognition like all of us do.
Which makes the question for me : when will it sink in that there is no difference between 'Internet' friends and 'real' friends?
I honestly have tears in my eyes and feel wrongly accused. I may not come back to this board.
You guys are welcome to lock the thread.
Don't do that, Renee.
I missed you while you were gone and rejoiced when you returned.
It isn't amazing how some can quote Scripture at others all day long, but resent having it done to them?
And I agree, Besty, that Internet friends are just as real as face-to-face friends.
*shaking head in disgust at clueless Bible thumpers*
:So now I feel like I've lost my mind. Did she really need it or just look like it? What is she thinking now? Have I become a crazy lunitic person?
No. There is a story related in one of the "Chicken Soup" books where a lady at a toll booth, thought it would be a nice thing to pay the toll for the person in the car behind her. She did, and later told a friend of hers on the other side of the Country what she had done. The friend thought that was a great idea, and was going to do the same thing every week.
It wasn't long before there were many reports in the press of LOTS of people doing this. If you put a smile on the face of just one person each day, you are making a difference that is rare in people's lives.
The singer on your "Hugs" video is the late legendary Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwoole. (Ka-'MAKA-Vivo-OH-lee). He had the voice of an angel. I have two of his albums. Unfortunately, his voice is not well known outside the Islands, but that same song was also played at the end of the Drew Barrymore/Adam Sandler movie "50 First Date."
Farkel -
I didn't read all four pages of this, as the point only matters on this one...
You did a WONDERFUL thing!
Doesn't sound like a malfunctioning mind, but a rather well-functioning heart~~DocBob
This is a very touching and true statement.. it bears repeating (The above ) so true !
A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.
- Joseph Joubert, French philosopherCal
Reneeisorym writes an inspirational thread..She did something nice for someone..She shared that with us..It will probably inspire others to do the same..That would never happen if Reneeisorym had not written this thread..............Now some good Christians would like to invent a crime.."Reneeisorym shared her good deed with us!"..Oh the horror!!..
..Lets get out our Bibles and Beat her with them!!.....
..That will show everyone what Good Christians we are!!..
I think you did a nice thing and sharing it gives people a warm feeling. Don't let the negative, judgemental types get you down.
A woman on the radio won a $6.5k prize the other day and then asked them to donate it to a charity instead ... people were ringing up then saying what a lovely thing it was to hear and that it had made their christmas.
I believe in angels and one could have been looking for a kind soul like you to help someone who badly needed help.