Noah and the flood

by Iwonder17 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iwonder17

    Ok, so I have been watching a show on the Discovery channel about Noah and it got me thinking....Let's say that the whole world was covered in a floor about 6000 years ago. Is it even possible to have the earth populate itself in just 6000 years? Also, and more interesting, how can all of the different breads of animals get to all of the contenants and repopulate themselves in that short amount of time as well????

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Right, and how did he get every variation of animal on the ark. Impossible. Or did they evolve from the basic groups after the flood. None of it has really been plausible since about 3rd grade.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Ok, so I have been watching a show on the Discovery channel about Noah and it got me thinking....Let's say that the whole world was covered in a floor about 6000 years ago. Is it even possible to have the earth populate itself in just 6000 years? Also, and more interesting, how can all of the different breads of animals get to all of the contenants and repopulate themselves in that short amount of time as well????
    Right, and how did he get every variation of animal on the ark. Impossible. Or did they evolve from the basic groups after the flood. None of it has really been plausible since about 3rd grade.

    Yes, it is possible, even probable, that the Earth would be at it's current population since the Flood. Breeds and species versus kinds is the answer to your next question; micro-evolution (adaptation) to be more specific. The migration of the continents is well documented, answering your next question.

    You would do well to Google keywords, and read the evidence thereof.

    Here is some reading/watching material focused on Biblical vs. secular views of origins, evolution, etc, with intermittant discussion of the Noah's Ark/ Great flood story :

  • Ténébreux
    Here is some reading/watching material...

    I like Kent Hovind. Some of his arguments make me cringe, but he's an entertaining speaker.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Animal Cruise – The Love Ark

    Dinosaurs trying to board Noah's Ark

    A long time ago, but not as long ago as scientists say, God decided to drown everyone on earth because men and women were wicked in heart and their thoughts were continually evil and primetime TV hadn’t been invented yet to capitalize on all of it.

    But Noah found favor with God because other than his drinking problem, Noah was squeaky clean. Also Noah had a large family who were all very fertile and full of love so God knew they could repopulate the whole earth in no time.

    So God told Noah that even though he was going to kill all of the humans, he wanted to save the skunks, the houseflies, the sharks, the rattlesnakes, the scorpions, the spiders, etc… so Noah was to build a large Ark and march millions of species onboard from all over the earth so they will be saved from the flood.

    Noah asked God, “what about the fish?” God said, “they can swim.” Noah said, “but if the flood is fresh water, all of the salt water fish will die.” “If the flood is salt water, all of the fresh water fish will die.” God said, “Shut up.”

    So Noah and his sons built the ark and marched every species on earth aboard in pairs and sevens. Then God flooded the earth and Noah watched the bubbles come up as all the men, women, children, and babies sank beneath the water and drowned. Glub, glub…

    Months later the ark landed in some mountains in a place where thousands of years later people keep seeing it, but no one has managed to take a decent picture of it.

    The End…

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The bible is a book of gathered mystical stories told very long ago probably by designated spiritual seers of the culture in which they originated,

    it also shows the value of human ignorance as it should that far back into human history.

  • Leolaia

    Kent Hovind rocks! He's a lot of fun to listen to, and it's fun to imagine a world like the Flintstones when man and dinosaur lived together. Of course, what he claims is total bat-sh*t crazy pseudo-science nonsense, but that's what makes his lectures fun!

    A response (continued in many parts):


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Where did Noah put the insect species and plants and seeds and where did the dove get the olive branch from....the questions are endless....and yes the continents including Australia all broke off in just 5 thousand years!! Dumb!

  • Ténébreux
    Kent Hovind rocks! He's a lot of fun to listen to

    His voice always reminds me of Kermit The Frog

  • hooberus

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