I think either she never suffered at the hands of the WB&TS, or, if she did, she doesn't want to face the pain of it all.
An interesting email I got from a DA'd friend I was catching up with
by JimmyPage 20 Replies latest jw friends
Mrs. Fiorini
I wonder if she is afraid of what she will find if she looks here. It isn't easy facing the truth about "the truth."
I know people who left the JWs years ago but still don't fully understand its damaging effects, or that it is a cult. It is obvious to me, however, that they are still suffering from it.
Everyone is different. And maybe she really doesn't need something like this. But the cult experience is very damaging to most people. She may suffer in ways that she doesn't understand. If she feels she apprehensive about boards like this, I hope she at least reads books about mind control and how it works. -
"Outside the organization, if you ask former JW's who are fixated on deriding the organization and spend their waking hours telling stories of how false the religion and it's people are"...................Sounds like she still has WBT$ mentality..Paints everyone with the same brush..Everything is black and white.....Outside the WBT$ religion,but still in.....She`s much sadder than the people she thinks we are..................................
Nathan Natas
What do you think of her statement?
Her comments are a demonstration of the "stockholm syndrome."
I know....I wouldn't come here either...bunch of nuts!...
Why did she DA herself?....Is she the kind that can love em and leave em or is she just fooling herself...nobody can just walk away...nope!
Unless she wasn't a JW long enough to receive the full impact!
The comments she made struck me as being highly judgmental; possibly a holdover from the Watchtower training and attitude. I doubt she has really moved on if she was ever that strong as a JW. If she was just there and didn't really believe everything then she has nothing to move on from.
Some people leave but still think it is the "truth"? Is she one of them?
Dave -
I can see what she's saying. Sometimes i wonder whether by reading these types of boards, keeps me stuck in JW thoughts. It's good that some people do not need these boards, JW's have left the organisation for years, long before the internet and managed to move on with their life. I have a couple of ex jw friends who cannot understand why i read these boards.
"Sometimes i wonder whether by reading these types of boards, keeps me stuck in JW thoughts. It's good that some people do not need these boards, JW's have left the organisation for years, long before the internet and managed to move on with their life. I have a couple of ex jw friends who cannot understand why i read these boards. Paul"
**** Good point, I agree.
It's a tough call for me. You want to help others to see the facts as they actually are from time to time. In fact, because somebody else was willing to take the time to do just that for me, I am now OUT. Four out of five from my family have left today.
But you want to go forward and live your life as well. Talking JW stuff online does not really help me to do that in many ways.
But people appreciate your taking the time to help them. And that feels good to be able to do. Freedom is valuable.
But then we still want to break free from all this JW stuff.
But then..... -
JIMMY- Interesting experience. I find it bizarre that this woman dissassociated herself ( which usually is different than being DFed in that the person WILLFULLY chooses to leave the organization ) and yet she still sticks up for the organization as being correct, not false. I agree with Outlaw - she definitely still has the " cult mind controlled " JW mentality working in her brain. So , whether she admits it or not - the JW organization and WT society still controls her life , even though she left it. She must still be possessed inside with a lot of " fear " and " guilt " from having been a witness to stick up for it like that. She doesn't have a clue