Spirituality Spot Found in Brain ?

by Rabbit 19 Replies latest social current

  • Rabbit

    Interesting...there's enough info here to whittle down both the athetists and the fundamentalists! Enjoy !

    Different strokes for differently wired brains -- what a concept. It explains a lot.


    Yahoo! News


    Spirituality Spot Found in Brain

    Robin Nixon
    Special to LiveScience
    LiveScience.com robin Nixon
    special To Livescience
    livescience.com Wed Dec 24, 9:19 am ET

    What makes us feel spiritual? It could be the quieting of a small area in our brains, a new study suggests.

    The area in question - the right parietal lobe - is responsible for defining "Me," said researcher Brick Johnstone of Missouri University. It generates self-criticism, he said, and guides us through physical and social terrains by constantly updating our self-knowledge: my hand, my cocktail, my witty conversation skills, my new love interest ...

    People with less active Me-Definers are more likely to lead spiritual lives, reports the study in the current issue of the journal Zygon .

    Most previous research on neuro-spirituality has been based on brain scans of actively practicing adherents (i.e. meditating monks, praying nuns) and has resulted in broad and inconclusive findings. (Is the brain area lighting up in response to verse or spiritual experience?)

    So Johnstone and colleague Bret Glass turned to the tried-and-true techniques of neuroscience's early days - studying brain-injured patients. The researchers tested brain regions implicated in the previous imaging studies with exams tailored to each area's expertise - similar to studying the prowess of an ear with a hearing test. They then looked for correlations between brain region performance and the subjects' self-reported spirituality.

    Among the more spiritual of the 26 subjects, the researchers pinpointed a less functional right parietal lobe , a physical state which may translate psychologically as decreased self-awareness and self-focus.

    The finding suggests that one core tenant of spiritual experience is selflessness, said Johnstone, adding that he hopes the study "will help people think about spirituality in more specific ways."

    Spiritual outlooks have long been associated with better mental and physical health. These benefits, Johnstone speculated, may stem from being focused less on one's self and more on others - a natural consequence of turning down the volume on the Me-Definer.

    In addition to religious practices, other behaviors and experiences are known to hush the Definer of Me. Appreciation of art or nature can quiet it, Johnstone said, pointing out that people talk of "losing themselves" in a particularly beautiful song. Love, and even charity work, can also soften the boundaries of "Me," he said.

    The greatest silencing of the Me-Definer likely happens in the deepest states of meditation or prayer, said Johnstone, when practitioners describe feeling seamless with the entire universe.
    That is, the highest point of spiritual experience occurs when "Me" completely loses its definition.

    "If you look in the Torah , the Old Testament , the New Testament , in the Koran , a lot of Sufi writings, Buddhist writings, and Hindu writings, they all talk about selflessness," said Johnstone.

    We may be finding the neurological underpinnings of these writings, he said.

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  • BabaYaga

    Hewo, Wabbit!

    I have recently purchased the book "Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief"
    by Andrew Newberg, Eugene D'Aquili, and Vince Rause.

    It was highly recommended to me by two dear friends but I haven't begun reading it yet. Sounds very similar to this, no? I'll have to report back to you when I delve into it.


  • jaguarbass

    I wonder how close the I feel guilty part of the brain is to the spiritual part of the brain.

    I also wonder if there is anything spiritual about Jehovahs Witnesses and Christians.

    Or are you talking about new agers?

  • Satanus

    So, if you wanna be a guru, have this spot surgically removed. Poof, you're the next dali lama, pope, christ, krishna, or whatever.


  • snowbird

    I've quite often used the expression that spirituality runs in my blood.

    I don't remember a time when I was not spiritual.

    The kids at school knew it, my teachers knew it, heck, the whole community knew it!

    Thanks for that, Rabbit. You wascal, you.


  • BurnTheShips

    Thanks for that, I've been meaning to read this book for a while:



    There is a part of our brain associated with our vision, memory and many aspects of our selves; that there is a part that is "spiritual" is no surprise. If I tickled your noodle the right way, you'd swear you were tasting a cheeseburger; that doesn't mean there are no cheeseburgers or that cheeseburgers are a figment of your brain.


  • hamilcarr

    If spirituality gets scientifically redefined as being oriented towards the other, then what's the difference with other non-confessional social ideologies?

    God becomes the other. Love your neighbor and love God are just one and the same commandment.

  • Satanus

    hamilcar 'If spirituality gets scientifically redefined as being oriented towards the other' Not so much oriented to OTHER, as unity, all being one. It's merely the 'I' dissapearing. OTHER dissapears, as well. ALL is ONE. S

  • hamilcarr
    Not so much oriented to OTHER, as unity, all being one. It's merely the 'I' dissapearing. OTHER dissapears, as well. ALL is ONE. S

    I think that aspect is totally absent in occidental (US?) mainstream "spirituality".

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Thats the only part of my mums brain that works x 1,000 percent!

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