This thread is dedicated to the Absolute Irony`s and Insanity`s we Witnessed(pun intended LOL!!),as Jehovah`s Witness`s.....In WBT$ World,not much makes sense,if you think about it......I`ll give some examples...........#1:Windowless Kingdom Hall`s..Filled with Window Washers!..LOL!!........#2:100`s of Kingdom Halls with security systems..With the security numbers set at 1-9-1-4..(No one will ever think of that..This place is safe!..LOL!!)...............#3:Jehovah`s Witness`s out in the Field Service,knocking on door`s..Hoping no one is home..LOL!!............Tell us about some of the Irony`s and Insanity`s you Witnessed,as a Jehovah`s Witness..............OUTLAW
..Jehovah`s Witness Irony`s and Insanity`s...
by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest jw friends
The same people who could arrive uninvited and unannounced at a stranger's door would be visibly upset if a friend stopped by their house before calling first.
Calling themselves "Jehovah's" Witnesses when the name Jehovah was poorly translated by a Catholic priest.
Saying they are a Bible-based religion and being anti-Catholic....when the Bible was canonized and codified by the Catholic Church. If God hadn't "used" the Catholic Church as His "approved channel" to formulate and disseminate the Bible, the Dubs would have nothing to mistranslate and misinterpret.
Damn, does that mean the Catholic Church bears some responsibility for the existence of the Dubs???? Hope not....
Holding "Bible studies" with people but studying WTS books, not the Bible.
Refusing to associate with wordly relatives because they are "bad association", then going door to door looking for worldly people who will talk to them.
compound complex
I remember that years ago we conducted studies with "professional" students, so to speak. Their religion was our weekly study with them; on it went for years. No real concern over directing them to the organization.
Then the TRUTH book appeared, 1968 or 1969, I recall. The speaker at the convention disclosed the 6-month study program, declaring that we would no longer conduct studies with persons who merely "tolerated" our studying with them. Cut 'em off! They had their chance! No mercy!
Well, I have to tell you, pioneers didn't seem to have a problem with guaranteed-till-Armageddon Bible studies!
How about not celebrating Thanksgiving but still having a small turkey for Thanksgiving dinner? Tell everyone you don't celebrate Christmas but accept gifts and cash from your employer when Christmas comes around.
Totally against celebrating the anniversary of a persons birth, but all for celebrating the anniversary of a marriage - even with a cake and gifts.
wha happened?
refuse to participate in "pagan rituals and customs" and yet wear a wedding ring.