No collection plates, but plenty of collection contribution boxes.
by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest jw friends
No collection plates, but plenty of collection contribution boxes.
Yes I like that! Shun the relatives but go door to door in search of anyone that will listen ...pedophiles, perverts, anyone!!!
I saw two pedophiles in the same car group last year. One of them was even listed on the child molester data-base of the local law inforcement. The other was protected by JW's "mouth of two witnwesses" rule. What child molester is going to have an audience? Least of all someone that would squeal on them?
ChelleChelle..0666 for a Kingdom Hall security number?..LOL!!..That would scare most JW`s..They would punch in the numbers and run away...................................................................Truthsetsonefree.."How about printing half a million copies of a worldwide message about religion designed to reach six billion people!".....Now thats funny!..Do you know whats funnier?..90% of all WBT$ literature ends up in a JW garage,basement,spare bedroom!......Millions and Millions of copies of WBT$ Literature..Hidden in JW homes all over planet earth.....That`s the way to get God`s message out!!..Hide it!!
..LOL!!........................................................CameoD..Yes..I thought the thread would turn out to be funny!..This is funnier than I expected!!..LOL!!...................................................{{{Halcyon}}}.."You need to read MY literature, but I won't read yours." "You must let me pray for you, but I will not let you pray for me".....Jw`s like to interact with Non JW`s..As long as you do it their way..LOL!!..
..LOL!!.....................................................Jimbo.."Shun the relatives but go door to door in search of anyone that will listen ...pedophiles, perverts, anyone!!!".....Your right about that!!.....If Grandma no longer believes in the WBT$..The WBT$ will turn her own family on her!!.....If a Pedophile molests children,but is a Good WBT$ Salesman..He`s a Protected Member of the WBT$ Cult,the Jehovah`s Witness`s..
Calling themselves "Jehovah's" Witnesses when the name Jehovah was poorly translated by a Catholic priest.
My immediate thought was along those same lines:
JWs brag about "teaching" people God's name and yet the name they use is a mis-translation of the name of the Hebrew God.
Not letting their children celebrate one holiday, join in any school functions, or 'parties' ....and then proclaiming themselves the HAPPIEST people on earth.
Oh yeah, the "Question" and "Answer" session, which doesn't actually mean you get to ask meaningful questions, it means that you get to repeat back, word for word, what the magazine just told you.
"Examine and question your own religion in every detail and research it fully."
"Don't even DARE to examine or question or research my religion, though, or we will mess you up."