I don't mean just "upper middle class". Were you ever sent into a really really upscale neighborhood?
Were You Ever Sent into Affluent Neighborhoods?
by cameo-d 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
four candles
Oh yes,I used to live in an affluent area where all the Soccer players lived,David Beckham lived here when he played for the red scum......er that is Manure Utd. Most were ok but the odd one or 2 used to be a bit snotty with us. They already had their paradise,they didn't want ours................not that I'm getting it anyway.......But some of the houses fill you with trepidation as you walked up the long winding drive,up to a big imposing house with a massive front door and a door knocker that came straight from the Bela Lugosi factory of door knockers. The knock echoed through the house,then the door creaked open,just a crack at first,then wider revealing.................................................................................................
A little old lady!!
As I said most were really nice,but at the end of the day,no matter how much money they had they still burped and farted the same as me,so I didn't view them as different.
zions watchman
I live in an affuent neighborhood, I live beside 2 Doctors and 2 Accountants across the road, I beleive thats part of the reason I was push out of the Cong. All the ones here get some kind of welfare check, or they are mentally disabled. I know of one family that the Mother gets a check the 2 daughters get a check one of the daugthers 2 children get checks, they are either all crazy or smart as hell to get free money from the Goverment, Oh and by the way the Husband is a Elder.
I've been in service in the same neighborhood that Plaxico burress lives.
there are a few areas here that houses cost between 1.5 to 4 million USD.
a condo in my town costs between $350k to $650k USD.
I also have done service in the projects of Paterson & Passaic NJ
It is usually assumed that in affluent neighborhoods the status would demand that people are usually more educated.
Did any of these "more educated" people ever spend time conversing with you and trying to show YOU the error of your religion?
Did any ever bring up objections that you could not overcome?
Did you ever convince any of them to become studies?
Yes, and I felt even more ridiculous than usual.
Yes, and I felt even more ridiculous than usual.
What made you feel that way? Were you intimidated in some way? Can you define it?
Sure did...Palatine, South Barrington area of Illinois. And while we were there, we were CHOOSING the homes we would be living in when Armageddon came and wiped out all those goats!
We never spoke to anyone who wasnt HELP at those homes either.
Santa Barbara/Montecito Ca. If we didn't have gates at the drive, we talked to a lot of maids. Owners were 100% not interested, some kindly some nasty and a few "Get off my property!" types