I wonder how many people are actually going to put in practice the things Jesus said in the second article. One of those is being merciful--just try questioning the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, or even missing a couple of contiguous boasting sessions, and see how "merciful" they actually are.
Feburary 15, 2009 Watchtower Study Edition
by bronzefist 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks !
wha happened?
oh my gosh, this is so absolutely pathetic in convincing the R & R that they need to follow the GB
Thank you!
Room 215
Re: "They Keep Following" etc. .... This is about the most strident appeal to abject, unquestioning submission to human authority I've ever seen....
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
About the Gilead photo, I never could figure why they didn't put married couples together. Any height issues? There's plenty of litteratrash in the Gilead library for the shorter "graduates" to stand on.
B the X
Mrs. Witness
That following the lamb article actually made me throw up a little in my mouth. I was telling my JW last night that I'm not so upset with him being a JW (though I wish he wasn't) but that he doesn't question any of the BS they print.
OK. I am reading this mag and these people writing this filthy trash are really getting me pissed off. They are liars and they know it.
"The nations became wrathful"
With good reason! We have finally been able to talk about things among ourselves without fear of repercussion and have all come to the conclusion that we have been gyped, duped, scamed, lied to, controlled, blackmailed, deceived, emotionally beat-up by those who have been in power.
page 3, column 2....they are back to calling the UN "the beast" hahaha "the beast with two horns that acts like a dragon."
They never seem to say that the two horns are religion and government. The Cross and the Crown.
ALL the religions have always conspired to rob people of their right to think freely.
ALL political kingdoms rob people of their wealth in order to fund wars.
And these two entities work hand in hand. The political kingdoms use their courts to enforce laws that are based on religion. When one falls the other one goes, too.
So if the two horns of the beast are religion and politics......then who is the beast?
Those who carry the symbols of the Cross and the Crown are just a part of the shadow Beast government. They came out of Babylon right down through Solomon's Temple. They are the emmissaries of the beast. There are veils and veils and layers and layers. The highest echelon of the Brotherhood are the very ones who have, through the Beast, directed the Papal Roman christian religion. These wheels within wheels are the ones who give the Cross and the Crown it's powers.
There will be a staged overthrow of those powers. The Brotherhood will come forth and present themselves as the Enlightened Ones; the new Saviors of the World. The "appointed Kings and Princes" and they will purport to "speak for God" just as the other false entities have done and people believed.
Even so, they are more evil than the powers that now bind most all of humanity. They will accomplish the chaos of their goal because this has been The Divine Plan of the Ages*.
They will present themselves as the "True" Brotherhood of Christ, having gone underground because of the Papal reign coming into power. But you will find this is not true. It is the Brotherhood of the Dragon.
WT says the bowl poured out upon the air is "satanic thinking"? In a way that's right because those jokers are pulling bogus material and these lies out of thin air!
The bowl poured out upon the air is best described here:
The grunts call the plastic devices “poppers” or “domes”. Once activated, each hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of invisible energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human skulls up to half a mile away. “They are saturating the area with ULF, VLF and UHF freqs,” Hanks says, with equipment derived from US Navy undersea sonar and communications.
Potentially lethal electromagnetic smog from high-power US military electronics and experimental beam weapons .....
Very Low Frequency (VLF) weapons include the dozens of “poppers” currently deployed in Iraq, which can be dialed to or “long wave” frequencies capable of traveling great distances through the ground or intervening structures.
Hays calls VLF weapons “superior” because their directed energy beams do not lose their hurtful properties when traveling through air to tissue. A French weapon radiating at 7 hertz “made the people in range sick for hours.”
Nathan Natas
Should You Insist On Your Personal Preferences?
In matters of personal preference, like what to have for breakfast or what color sweater to wear, one should always consider the opinions of the hypersensitive busybody spinster Sisters over their own wishes. We would never want to incur blood guilt by stumbling such a precious one from the path of truth by telling them "It's none of your goddamned bees-wax, you intrusive, meddling nut!"
This is the secret of The Freedom Of The Sons Of God.