They made a fuss over one friggin word???? Allogeneic seems to be the only difference.
It's a huge difference.
"Allogeneic" means "from a non-matching genetic source", i.e., from another person. I.e., if on the updated card they specified that allogeneic blood transfusions were prohibited, as opposed to the past when all blood transfusions were prohibited, the clear implication was that autologous transfusions (using stored whole blood from the patient himself) would be allowed - a huge, enormous, stunning reversal of a decades-old policy.
Blondie, does this mean that we can start storing our own blood for emergencies?
I'm not Blondie, but...
That's exactly what it would have meant - IF the card had actually been released to JWs. As it turns out, apparently someone on the GB had a last-minute change of heart, and the card with the word "allogeneic" was never released (or at least, it was released but then almost immediately recalled).
My best guess is that the change to allow autologous blood transfusions squeaked thru by a bare 2/3 majority, but that just one person shortly thereafter rescinded his vote and the blood policy remained unchanged.
It is interesting to note that if that is really the case, then that means that as recently as 7 years ago, the majority (though not the required 2/3 majority) were in favor of significantly softening the blood policy. I have no idea how the "new blood" (no pun intended) elected to the GB since then feels aboiut it - although the prominence given to blood in the new "Keep Yourselves in God's Love" book seems to indicate that the newer guys support the policy as is.
Since the time of the above scans (2001), the AMD has been replaced by the Durable Power of Attorney card, and there is no provision on the card for allogeneic (or any other kind) of transfusion.