New "United in Worship" book leaves out chapter on blood! Why?

by Witness 007 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson

    That's what I thought. I need to look further into this one.

  • slimboyfat

    Really I never heard of this. The GB were going to allow you to store your own blood for transfusion and even issued a blood card and then changed their minds? This is dynamite. I hope some perceptive elders kept a hold of these cards with the revised wording.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I didn't know about the revised and then recalled blood card....would have been great if it made it thru though!...almost!

  • BabaYaga

    Wow... that's astounding. I agree on both counts, it will serve to both soften this issue and also works as a bait-and-switch until the changes take place.


  • sir82
    This is dynamite. I hope some perceptive elders kept a hold of these cards with the revised wording.

    good idea, except...

    The revised wording cards were issued and recalled in 2001. I'm sure if any enterprising elder did not send back the full allotment of cards back then, he would have been called on the carpet for it.

    Given that 7 years have passed, I doubt that there are any samples floating around anywhere.

  • blondie

    I still have an original card and they did not do that careful a count upon receipt and upon destruction.................

  • passwordprotected

    I remember the blood cards were delivered to our congregation...and swiftly withdrawn and destroyed.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks for the scans on these cards, Blondie. I really think this will be the next step in the evolution of the blood policy. Witnesses already can reinfuse their own blood as long as it is attached to the person. It can be reinfused up to a few hours after surgery. Looks exactly like a blood transfusion.

    Next step is to store your own blood away from the body. They already use stored blood from others for their fractions, so it is not that big of a jump.

    If they actually sent these out, they must be close. Maybe they just need an old timer or two to die off?

  • eyeslice

    The new book is just further proof of the dumbing that is going on.

    Besides the ommission of any specific about, there is virtually nothing said about 1914.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Wow, I remember the recall of blood cards but didn't know the reason behind it. Learn something new every day around here!

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