Mrs Eyeslice has an extra evening off due to the new meeting arrangement now.
Given the extra night is supposed to be for a family study night; any suggestions as to what we could study together?
Suggestions for material for family study night?
by eyeslice 17 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
We are going to read and discuss the bible; hopefully without a WT filter!
I am going to pick a few topics for us to study too such as salvation, where the great crowd are in Revelation....
The general rule will be NO WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS!!
By all means, surprise her with the announcement that you intend to have as a family study an intense, slow review of the Revelation Book.
I would suggest Crisis of Conscience.
How about Rolling Stone Magazines!!
How about going out to dinner or a movie. Walking around a botanical garden or something like that. Ice skating or roller skating if you have little ones. Something fun that the family can do together. It will add to your memory (especially kids) and bring your family closer.
Reading the bible boring!!!
Really, I think Family Night doing anything is a super idea.
Whatever It might be. Forming bonds, growing spiritually as a family does not have to be done studying from WT literature.
Cooking, watching movies, doing some sort of crafts, art, boardgames, healthy interaction.
is there help out there
They should all read Calvin & Hobbes books. Like Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons.
Nathan Natas
"Any Man Can: The Multiple Orgasmic Technique For Every Loving Man" by Wiliam Hartman.
"The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read" Check it out on Amazon.