In the spirit of Flipper's thread, tell us, please.
Men---Educate Us---What Do You Really Want From Women?
by minimus 114 Replies latest jw friends
One thing:
While mucuous membranes are a good thing and fun to play with, that's only a very small part of a lifetime partnership. So if you think that is your ace-in-the-hole (pardon the very bad pun), you are mistaken. Go down to the local gas station and put some air in your boobs first chance you get, too. It's cheaper than bras who were engineered by scientists from NASA.
Oh, and another thing: quit putting on make up like you did when you were 16. You should be embarrassed and you look ridiculous to everyone who sees you, except the legally blind and other morons who still use makeup like they did when they were 16.
Then again, what do I know?
Farkel -
Um, Farkel, I think you better stick to intellectual threads. (I know. It means you can't contribute to my threads).
What are ya tryin' to do? Get all the lady folk mad or sumethin'?
Mr. Majestic
Is this thread guna turn into another one of those posts where women come on here and tell us what we should want, or can we be honest with our guy opinions….???
Men---Educate Us---What Do You Really Want From Women?
A game of "hide the sausage".
So Farkel, you want to play with our nostrils, but not too much, and you want us to pump up our boobs?????
Don't listen to Farkel.
sometimes I want women to let me cook for them - not always , but just now and again - cooking is like foreplay. My wife feels that cooking is the woman's job. To me it does not threaten my masculinity
Sometimes I just want uncomplicated sex - no long build up. No long foreplay. Just a quickie.
heh, heh.
Muckraking is fun from time-to-time!