This is from his own web site. He chose to publish this on the Internet,not me.
Phone: 706-718-2097
[email protected]
To your success,
Allen Jensen
JWs and get-rich-quick schemes
by AndersonsInfo 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Him: Hello?
Me: Who is this?
Him: What?
Me: Why'd you call me? Who are you?
Homerovah the Almighty
There is always been a link with sales and marketing within JWS and why wouldn't it be the Kingdom Halls are sales training centers for the Publishing House in Brooklyn
The Door to Door work is nothing but marketing of their literature, with the hope to turn other people into marketeers for the Organization.
I can think of so many self promoting multi-level marketing scams that I've heard about by JWS, there was always some new business sales talk coming out of JWS mouths
they essentially are being trained and shaped to sell, right down to the way they dress , to the length of their hair, how to talk to people and what kind of language to use.
So after all of this personality profiling has been done to them its no wonder and not surprising that mentally they see themselves as sales people, they see themselves of having the
capabilities and the know how to persuade and sell .
Joe Spann
[email protected]
The guy from is soooooo rich he uses a free email account for business purposes.
I keep noticing jws have a tendency to Capitalize random Words in Sentences. It's almost As If they Didn't finish Primary school or something.
"Remember as you watch these compensation plans...You don't have to Close the Sales. I will be Closing these Sales for You! Also remember when it talks about your team Closing Sales I will be Closing those as well. All you need to do is plug in and let me open my big mouth for you!"
All joking aside, I hate to see these sorts of schemes going on and don't mind doing my part to discourage them. It's going to be one of our mothers, grandfathers, or friends who get sucked in and lose all their $ to one of these schemes.
Elsewhere--LOL! -
Homerovah the Almighty
There has to be a big warning sign on these web marketing people when on their website all they talk about mainly is how you can make a ton
of money by using their own marketing software and programing to make fast easy money, but all the little details are not there ?
Another warning sign is when they state there is no wealth guaranteed or a refund, which kind of tells you they are in the businesses to take you money up front first then
what happens is wholly upon you on what your trying to sell and market.
In other words they can easily shut down their operation and take everyones money in their pockets with them only to again reestablish with a new
company name and appearance. This sounds like something that could easily get spread out at a hall among the brothers and sisters just like the many other marketing scams.
JWs have such a double standard sometimes. I was never pitched so many get rich quick schemes until I became friends with POs and such. So long as it isn't some little old publisher doing it its always excusable.
Homerovah the Almighty
One other thing that I've personally noticed within congregations is that everyone right away is perceived to be trust worthy , honest and responsible people because they
are witnesses and not like those evil dishonest worldly folk. So therefore everyone carries this pretentious white sheet over themselves that says trustworthy when the exact
opposite should be in place. I can think of numerous things my mother bought from the wholesome brothers in her hall only to find out the product was just a deviously disguised scam
and the product was a useless fraud.
It has been my forgone conclusion that if people, men or woman are being told on a continuing basis that a great and powerful force has died for their sins
and have offered forgiveness for all of their sins that they create are really not trust worthy at all and their actions therefore should be watched with scrutiny!
I`ve seen these things so many times..Every JW will be in on it..It will crash just as soon as there are no more JW`s to sign up......Then a new JW Get Rich Scheme will pop up and it will start all over again...................
Homerovah the Almighty
In the eyes of the congregation the PO white sheet is a lot thicker and brighter than the rest, its for that reason you come across these men
with dirty businesses practices.
SnakesInTheTower is another one of these dubs that are peddling crap in their MLM schemes:
Al Cobble was a CO back in the 80s and/or 90s that was peddling ACN telephone MLM.. he was doing it while a CO... he was making literally hundreds of dollars a week from his downline (so much for vow of poverty) I know it to be true because I often brought his mail to him at this apartment and the amounts of the checks were easily visible through the window envelope....
he had a nice KH apartment (actually 2 in the circuit) but insisted on using his travel trailer too...parked at the KH...running the AC or heat..causing high utility bills...(turns out he was using it for his ACN office...couldnt risk having it in the KH apartment)..... until the local congo told him to use one or the other... (apartment won)
eventually, the Borg had enough on them after several years of investigation..... and a couple of DOs and a CO(DO trainee) got together and booted him from circuit work. He was actively recruiting during his visits....especially elders.... charge a person $495 to join the ACN organization to have the right to
sell ACN services....actually to recruit more suckers... he got the local (then PO, now SO pioneer to join...who is still full gun on this)now I see the Cobbles are peddling Noni Juice... the juice may be legit...but expensive (gotta pay for those upline/downlines at the KH)..its the way they recruit among the dubs that is the problem...
anyone recognize them? (pic is from their its in the public domain) conveniently...her email is there too...tell them what you
If I can find online (public) info on an elder(s) that are selling ACN here locally... I will bust them out too..... (TG..I am coming after porn surfing elder you)
Snakes ()