What nice looking people..I`d buy anything from them!..I wonder if they sell BullSh*t?..LOL!!..................OUTLAW
JWs and get-rich-quick schemes
by AndersonsInfo 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What nice looking people..I`d buy anything from them!..I wonder if they sell BullSh*t?..LOL!!............... ...OUTLAW
that's their specialty! They got their Masters Degree in Bullsh*t at the University of Awake! Snakes ()
You know I still can't figure out what the business is. "The Secret" is not a business. My ex gave me this DVD and its about "The Law of Attraction", a metaphysical concept that stated simply is that you attract those who are like you. So if you want success, in essence you need to dress and act successfully.
There is a name for the type of business that people run where they target a closed group (such as a religious group) and take advantage of the trust & good will. I can't remember what it is though.
Of course it doesn't mean that what they are doing is a scam or dishonest.
"Of course it doesn't mean that what they are doing is a scam or dishonest." (where's the quote button on JWN?)
No, it doesnt... as I said, maybe the noni juice is a good product (or the phone service is a good service). The problem is that is not their main goal. Recruitment is their main purpose. The goods and services only make the recruitment legal. Otherwise it would strictly be a scam.
These MLM (multi level marketing) companies prey on the greed and/or desperation of people looking to make money for whatever reason. And the parallels to the recruitment methods are close as to be uncanny. If only JWs only had a $495 entrance fee....when you left, if thats all you lost we could handle it...lesson learned... instead..you lose your family, "friends", time, maybe more money donated....
legal and moral are two different things.
Snakes () (glad my sheep is still on the list of emoticons...lol)
There is a name for the type of business that people run where they target a closed group (such as a religious group) and take advantage of the trust & good will. I can't remember what it is though.
"Affinity fraud"
I have it on good authority that JR Brown has emailed this gentleman through his web site, and emailed him a link to an article (on www.watchtower.org)about how pursuing riches is improper.
There is a name for the type of business that people run where they target a closed group (such as a religious group) and take advantage of the trust & good will. I can't remember what it is though.
I think it's called a PYRAMID scam.
JWs fall right in because these tactics have been ingrained by conditioning. They recruit in a Pyramid sort of way for memberships to the KH.
I don't think they even realize it.
This type of thing is common among the dubs. Many don't have "real jobs", and this seems like an "easy" way to finance themselves, (hell, they can even pioneer!). Also, I believe the same wackiness that attacts people to cults is found in many of these MLM type schemes. There is a certain "religion" about their approach, that is.
I've looked very carefully on the links provided and can find no product for sale. It appears that this is some kind of pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal. Back a few years ago, Amway bearly survived government accusations that the company operated an illegal pyramid scheme. But because their distributors did in fact sell products, they barely escaped prosecution or whatever. I heard that 70% of their sales involved consumer products. But when distributors don't sell a product, but sell distributorships by signing up new distributors for a price and then those folks sign up distributors for a price and on and on it goes, always with some money going back to the person above who signed up the one below, this is illegal. Perhaps, it can be defined thusly: When revenue comes not from selling a product but from selling distributorships, it's an illegal pyramid scheme. From what I can see, this Jensen scheme might fall into that category, but I could be wrong. For his family's sake, I hope I'm wrong.