My gosh, I am two episodes into season two. Started at the beginning of season one. It's fanfuckingtastic!
Deadwood anyone?
by beksbks 51 Replies latest social entertainment
shoot. I thought you were talking about something else.
I've heard good things.
Yes dear maybe if you get out more you won't have to deal with dead wood
LWT, you will like it. May be as good as Dexter!
Always wanted to get into that series, but "the better half" couldn't handle the "in your face" language. Will have to Netflix it and watch it on my laptop with headset.
Watson, all I can say is that I am going to have to deprogram languagewise. If I weren't afraid of being banned, I'd be cutting loose.
LOL. That is the result of what you feed your mind. Must be a liberal thing.
Phoooey, I've decided to give up on bathing, and take up whiskey.
Phoooey, I've decided to give up on bathing, and take up whiskey.
Hey, I'm right there with ya!!
You really ought to get on yahoo messenger!!