The witnesses have a strange relationship with Jesus. They seem bent on putting him in his place and keeping him there. Some examples that come to mind are passing the bread and wine and refusing to partake. In the Bible where it say Jesus's name is above every name they insert the word "other" so they can keep his name below Jehovah. "The Great Man" book, I think that was what they called it. Named in such a way to point out that was all he was.
My wife rejects Jesus
by JimmyPage 19 Replies latest jw friends
I can relate to all the above comments! My jw is the same way, they have such an aversion to anything about Jesus yet claim Him as 'their King'. I just don't get it.
It's so bizarre that they even refer to themselves as "Christian". By their definition just what is a Christian?
Just the other day I was talking to my sister. She said they her family was going to be having their "Family Worship Night" on Thursdays since the Org. told then that losing a night of meetings could give them time to study as a family more. So let me address that one first. What the heck!?!?!?!? Family Worship Night??? I capitalize it because it seems so fake. That's not the kind of language witnesses use. They barely even use the word worship. And really, are they going to worship...sing, praise They night read the bible. But it just sounded so ridiculous to me. Like the org. just started calling it Family Worship NIght and all the witnesses are going to start saying this.
That leads to this, which actually is about Jesus. The bible reading is the last few chapters of Revelation. They are planning on reading all the chapters with their children. I opened up my bible and said to my sister "You know what one of my favorite scriptures is? It like the last scripture almost." She says is a sort of deadpan and boringly irritated way "Amen. Come Lord Jesus"? Which I just ignored and said "Yes, I love that scripture." And I said something about it being so simple and meaningful. I know how witnesses feel towards "worldly" people who talk about Jesus. So I'm sure she puts me in that category, which is either a "Jesus freak" or the fake christian. Thank God she isn't my judge and I'm not hers.
But really. Family Worship Night? Come on! -
an aversion to anything about Jesus yet claim Him as 'their King'
it almost seems like a bait and switch technique the way they will say"blah Jesus blah blah" and then use an OT scripture that has nothing to do with it. I have noticed that in literature.
cognizant dissident
Right before I left in Dec 05, there was an watchtower article that had a subtitle with a partial scripture quoted and then the famous elipses..... where they left something out. The whole watchtower article was then applying this scripture to Jehovah's fine qualities. The thing is, I could have sworn that I knew that entire scripture and it was referring to Jesus. So, I looked it up and read the whole thing and yep, sure enough, it was not referring to Jehovah at all but to Jesus. I had an hour discussion with my husband at home about it after the meeting. Don't you think it is dishonest for the society to write an entire article applying a scripture to Jehovah and taking out the part of the scripture quote that made it clear it applied to Jesus? He just shrugged. He didn't think it was a big deal at all.
yeah cog. That's like what I meant. But you said it much better. Good 'splaining.
They not only reject Jesus at the REJECT Jesus Party every year. They do that all year by rejecting independent thinking.
JWs are expecting Jehovah - not Jesus. Kinda like how the Pharisees were expecting the Messiah to come in power and great glory, but only received a humble carpenter who was lowly in mind and spoke gently to His flock. I think they might be setting themselves up for a real disappointment when Jesus does return ... and, no, he hasn't returned yet. Not in 1914 ... not in 1919.
drew sagan
She knows to reject the literature produced from other religions, a typical JW response. I wouldn't read into it as you have, I think it's an overstatement.