and intolerance--definitions and opinions. Good? Bad?
by John Doe 28 Replies latest jw friends
Arrogance - displaying a haughty disposition due to race, social status, religion, or education.
Intolerance - the refusal to tolerate opposing views.
These are negative traits in that they are not conducive to good, healthy relationships.
John Doe
Intolerance - the refusal to tolerate opposing views.
Is it your position that to have healthy relationships, you must tolerate every viewpoint?
Homerovah the Almighty
I knew a JW once who was arrogant with ignorance, come to think of it I've known quite a few.
John... in a healthy relationship toleration is more like working around it. "Pick your battles". Some stuff just dont matter... and if its a core issue ... well you may just have to move on.
Tolerance and arrogance are the polar opposites of "humility".
1959-2009 Hillbilly, a 50 year tradition in several locations
John Doe
Tolerance and arrogance are the polar opposites of "humility".
They are also the polar opposites of spinelessness and apathy and passive aggressiveness.
Is it your position that to have healthy relationships, you must tolerate every viewpoint?
As long as the viewpoint is healthy, yes.
John Doe
As long as the viewpoint is healthy, yes.
So, if the viewpoint is not healthy or is harmful, then it is not arrogant nor intolerant to oppose it?
How nice, a New Years Eve conundrum courtesy of Johnny Doe!
The polar opposites of spinelessness, apathy, and passive aggressiveness are:
assertiveness///empathy///active engagement
The latter often brings positive results, whereas the former does just the contrary.