assertiveness///empathy///active engagement
Yes, but often these words are often only used on actions that don't oppose what we're personally doing, no?
by John Doe 28 Replies latest jw friends
assertiveness///empathy///active engagement
Yes, but often these words are often only used on actions that don't oppose what we're personally doing, no?
As long as the viewpoint is healthy, yes.So, if the viewpoint is not healthy or is harmful, then it is not arrogant nor intolerant to oppose it?
If you perceive that a viewpoint is harmful, then it is neither arrogant nor intolerant to oppose it, but I would advise you to proceed with all due caution.
Some sage once said that discretion is the better part of valor.
I will not tolerate intolerance.
I would like to be arrogant but I don't have enough money.
assertiveness///empathy///active engagementYes, but often these words are often only used on actions that don't oppose what we're personally doing, no?
I try to practice these in all my dealings, whether there is opposition or not.
Nay, even more so if there is opposition, because emotions have a tendency to run wild during stressful situations.
Empathy means to understand another's state of mind or emotions. Being assertive means to take an active part in furthering your notions and ideas. Active engagement is a close synonym. Now, what do you say to people who say you are being arrogant and intolerant if you are in fact being assertive, empathetic, and actively engaging?
In my opinion it is not very important if your are arrogant or intolerant, the only damage your are doing is to yourself. The only time intolerance in my opinion can be a negative is when it is from some one with power .
The definition of these words might differ from one person to the other, I received these two adjectives at least once or maybe twice, it all depends on the opinion of the other person. I am intolerant towards voluntary ignorance, bigotry, religion..., the list is long. Can you call me intolerant? Maybe.
Since the burden of proof rests with the accuser, I would politely and respectfully request that said accuser point out the ways in which I'm being arrogant or intolerant.
I would listen carefully, and if the accusation has merit, I would diligently apply myself to making amends.
How's that?
I would listen carefully, and if the accusation has merit, I would diligently apply myself to making amends.
And if the accusation had no merit?
(That's my Arrogant sound)
I would tell the accuser to go to Purgatory.
Of course, this is entirely hypothetical since I've never been accused of being apathetic, arrogant, intolerant, passive aggressive, or spineless.