If your idea of a good breakfast is ...

by compound complex 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    CoCo, are you part hobbit? Kurt & Simon, I would have said steak was a lil too much for breakfast, but seeing I'm turning into a lil porky this side, fry 'em up!

  • StAnn

    LouBelle, I can't speak for CoCo but if you saw my feet you'd definitely think I'm part Hobbit! My husband always jokes about my Hobbit feet!

    I love Hobbits. I love breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, and afternoon tea.



    CoCo..Good evening!!..I`m a Chef!!..I can have what ever I want!!..Some people might think that`s a good thing.....Sometimes it is..Sometimes it`s not..LOL!!..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Finally-Free

    Outlaw, if you're ever in Toronto you can take charge of my kitchen and cook up a storm! I can be a pretty damn good eater too. Nothing will go to waste.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I enjoy going to Diners for breakfast.

    A local diner serves a nice Lox and onion omlette.

    But, I always have to order a side of bacon.

  • Dagney

    Coco, your breakfast sounds wonderful! I like non breakfast food for breakfast!

    NY's we had leftover prime rib with the cheesy scallopped potatoes, cornbread casserole and cheesy scrambled eggs. That was pretty darn good.

    My favorite is scrambled eggs topped with sauteed spinach and sauteed tomatoes (cooked separately) and feta.


    FinallyFree..Every Chef needs good eaters!!..Lots of them!!..LOL!!...............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Testing, new to JWN:

    Thanks for all the wonderful b'fast ideas!

    I shall return.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Loubelle:

    Thank you for your inquiry into my Tolkien identity. I am not at liberty to reveal my true "nature" at this time
    but will give little and persuasive clues as I am able.

    I am under constant surveillance ...

    CoCo Frodo

  • Dagney

    Testing JWN posting

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