The Two Masters

by cameo-d 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Jesus or Jehovah?

    Jehovah often provided materially for his people through the spoils of war.

    Jesus, on the other hand, seemed to promote being carefree and non-materialistic.

    Jesus said he and the father were of one accord, but even so, he was kicked out of the synagogues.

    Do you think these "deities" upheld each other in having the same expression of spirit and philosophy?

    Do you think these two "deities" could be the opposing "two masters"?

  • snowbird

    I believe Jehovah and Jesus are one and the same.

    Of course, the WT doesn't want anyone to find that out.

    Satan must be laughing his slimy tail off.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Cameo:

    Good morning!

    The more I read the less I understand. What does seem a constant, however, is that the WTB&TS appears to have wittingly withheld vital "facts" regarding the nature of Deity. There is so much to read and ponder that I am only now discovering.

    I'm developing a rather nasty intolerance for scholastic dishonesty.

    Thank you,


  • sinis

    Why then does Jesus NEVER refer to Jehovah in the NT??? Why does Jesus completely disregard the law for sacrfice and tell the people that they have not known him NOR his father (hmmmm), for if they had they would have seen his works and believed. He also tells him that HIS father WANTS mercy NOT sacrifice (hmmmm).

    I believe that Jehovah was NOT Jesus father (if he even existed), and the Jesus was not refering to Jehovah in any way, shape, or form. Perhaps Jehovah was Idalboath (according to the Gnostic Xians) (aka Satan) and was tempting Jesus????

  • cameo-d


  • Lieu

    If Jesus is the reigning King and redeemer, then he is who we ask for forgiveness of sins. We need to RESPECT his given position. You cannot get to the Father, except through the Son, as it has been beat into my head.

    Jesus chose to die for US...and no one else. Not Peter, not Paul, NO ONE else.

    So therefore, we should ask Jesus (not mentioned much in JWism except during a brief Memorial) to ask his Father for help.

    Who are we to usurp God's arrangement if he sees fit to have his son in charge for a bit? WHO ARE WE?

    "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a stool for your feet". What father would not bestow this on a deserving son who did not shame him? Even a King would do so much for a Prince doing his will.

    I do not think they are the same person because that's both silly and Pagan. But, if you were to see me, you'd see my grandmother ... for although we are two different people we look the same and have similar charachteristics. It's soooo bad my relatives call me Lil' Liza Jane. ... that's how much we resemble one another.

    I absolutely REFUSE to let the WT or any other so-called Christian Org replace or get in the way of the REAL arrangement.

    So what if God wants to give his son some kudos? So what if you want to give your son some for doing a good job?

  • Satanus

    This fundamental conflict is a huge crack in the foundations of christianity. It causes much uneeded anguish and struggle. There is only one.


  • Lieu

    Its like anything else ... God can't even have a d**n tree to himself; you know.

  • cameo-d
    Jesus chose to die for US...and no one else. Not Peter, not Paul, NO ONE else.


    Can you show me scripturally...using his own words.... that this was a voluntary action on his part?

    Can you show me scripturally where Jesus says he wants to be executed because this would make life better for all succeeding generations?

    I do not think they are the same person because that's both silly and Pagan. But, if you were to see me, you'd see my grandmother ... for although we are two different people we look the same and have similar charachteristics. It's soooo bad my relatives call me Lil' Liza Jane. ... that's how much we resemble one another.

    They are not the same person, of course not.

    Can you show me scripturally how Jesus thinks the same way as the Old Testament god?

    How does Jesus show that he is just like Jehovah and has the same ideas?

    Can you show scriptures that reveal how much Jesus is just like Jehovah in his nature?

  • Lieu

    "I choose to do the will of my father." I'm certain you can find this one.

    You could also read Matt. 20 and its equivalents.

    He was supposed to die and he knew it. He had a choice, just like Satan and everyone else. He knew the Roman guards were coming for him, yet he CHOSE to stay put knowing full well what was going to happen.

    The OT God is similar. Patient, loving, etc. I don't see a cruel God. However, I saw a bunch of whiny ungrateful people. The problem is the Israelites were rotten as all hell and they wanted humans for rulers. They kept being carried off into captivity for a reason.

    Sure he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... He did so at the request of the nations surrounding that area .. there wern't any Israelites back then.

    You do realize that when Jesus returns according to the Bible he's coming to kill the wicked, don't you? The scroll John ate was bitterweet for a reason ... he's coming to KILL. You can read Matt-Rev for that info. Never mistake his kindness for weakness.

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