If Jesus is the reigning King and redeemer, then he is who we ask for forgiveness of sins. We need to RESPECT his given position. You cannot get to the Father, except through the Son, as it has been beat into my head.
Jesus chose to die for US...and no one else. Not Peter, not Paul, NO ONE else.
So therefore, we should ask Jesus (not mentioned much in JWism except during a brief Memorial) to ask his Father for help.
Who are we to usurp God's arrangement if he sees fit to have his son in charge for a bit? WHO ARE WE?
"Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a stool for your feet". What father would not bestow this on a deserving son who did not shame him? Even a King would do so much for a Prince doing his will.
I do not think they are the same person because that's both silly and Pagan. But, if you were to see me, you'd see my grandmother ... for although we are two different people we look the same and have similar charachteristics. It's soooo bad my relatives call me Lil' Liza Jane. ... that's how much we resemble one another.
I absolutely REFUSE to let the WT or any other so-called Christian Org replace or get in the way of the REAL arrangement.
So what if God wants to give his son some kudos? So what if you want to give your son some for doing a good job?