The Two Masters

by cameo-d 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82
    Do you think these two "deities" could be the opposing "two masters"?

    Isn't that pretty much the Gnostic contention in a nutshell?

    Your idea is one that has been around for at least 1900 years.

  • cameo-d
    Lieu: You do realize that when Jesus returns according to the Bible he's coming to kill the wicked, don't you? The scroll John ate was bitterweet for a reason ... he's coming to KILL.

    I thought it was called the Day of Jehovah. So does Day of Jehovah mean the same thing as Day of Jesus? Are you saying that Jehovah and Jesus are the same person?

    I do not recall that Jesus killed anyone when he was on this earth. I do not recall that he ever even killed an animal...except for maybe a fish. I was also under the impression that he would always have the same sweet spiritual temperament. For Jesus to come back as a killer makes him sound like a psychotic Jekyll and Hyde. Can you explain this sudden change in his personality?

  • Lieu

    Jesus cursed that tree for not giving some shade and the tree died.

    No they are not the same person, IMO. Its about judgement and righteousness, according to the Bible.

    It is the Day of Jah's vindication but Jesus (along with the angels) is the one who comes to exact justice on Jah's behalf, he is the one with the sharp sword in his mouth. The Son of Man...King of Kings. He is the Lamb who is found fit to open the scroll. He leads the battle with the troops (the angels).

    It would be like your son avenging your good name but only on the people who spoil it.

    He's coming to exact righteous indignation, according to scripture. He & the angels are going to KILL wicked mankind for the sake of good mankind. He's going to destroy the enemies of his Father. (They call for the birds in the book of Rev to come feast on the bodies.)

    I'm missing why you do not understand this.

    Rev is quite clear about who is who and who is doing what; people have their chance to do right or wrong.

  • Lieu

    Its not really a change in personality, its more of "I'm sick of your crap and destruction, you rotten humans". "I tried to show you how to behave to please my dad but you just refuse to listen."

    Mankind was shown a better and more peaceful way ... but we just kill and kill ... subjugate and kill some more. Pollute and kill. Certain types of folks ( the ones that like to kill) just have to go if there were to ever be a real peace on this crazy planet.

    Notice how he became hostile with the money changers inside the Temple? Notice the temple was split at its foundation at his death? Notice how Israelis today do not have the Arc or a Temple?

    My opinion, of course.

  • cameo-d
    Mankind was shown a better and more peaceful way ... but we just kill and kill ... subjugate and kill some more. Pollute and kill.

    So Leiu, do you think this aggression is contagious?

    He & the angels are going to KILL wicked mankind for the sake of good mankind.

    So has Jesus finally realized that killing really is the only way and now he is going to jump into the killing spree, too?

    he is the one with the sharp sword in his mouth.

    Do you think this is actually a metal implement? Being that he carries this sword in his mouth and not on his hips, do you think it "the sword" could be a metaphor for "sharp words"? Have you never heard the saying about hurtful words that "cut like a knife"?

  • jaguarbass

    Jehovah was an alein from space.

    Jesus was a guru who spent time studying in India and resisted being the poster boy for the

    Christians, tear it up, blow it up, waring, doers of Gods will sect.

    Satin was the good alien who tried and tries to liberate us.

    Satin Best

    Jesus Good

    Jehovah evil slave master whos will is that we labor in the sweat of our brow all the days

    of our lives.

    Republicans and Christians Gods task masters.

  • cameo-d
    Satin Best

    Thank you. I always have a hard time deciding between satin or velvet. They are both my favorites.

  • cameo-d
    Jehovah was an alein from space.

    Didn't WT teach that Jehovah was from Pledies or Halcyon?

    I think the Mormons teach that 'god' was from Jupiter.

    Satin was the good alien who tried and tries to liberate us.

    This is right in line with the Mormon teachings as well.

    Satin Best
    Jesus Good

    This has a Mormon flavor, as they teach that Jesus and Satan were brothers.

    Jehovah evil slave master whos will is that we labor in the sweat of our brow all the days
    of our lives.

    This is also very much a Mormon teaching as they believe Satan tried to enlighten mankind against "god's" rules.

    Republicans and Christians Gods task masters.

    You are almost there, Jaguar.

    The two horns of the beast are religions and governments.

    The Illuminati control both.

    Here is a film you might find interesting as it clearly shows some of these points you bring up.

    All religions are tied into Freemasonry. ALL. Not just WT and Mormons!

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