Prove That JWs Do Not Act As "True Christians"

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I have heard Witnesses proudly say that are the ONLY true religion following the Bible. They put down anyone else that claim to be Christian, stating they are merely "counterfeit Christians". Jehovah's Witnesses believe they alone can rightfully be called "Christian".

    How would you refute that?

  • JeffT

    They don't call themselves Christians, they call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually they don't recognize the headship of Jesus, they follow a bunch of old guys, nor do they believe in the atoning power of Jesus death on the Cross. They have to add to it with all their rules and regulation, field circus and reports.

    I'll think of more, but I'm at work.

  • minimus

    They call themselves The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • undercover

    The average publisher is not a member of the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses". Only the anointed make up the true Christian congregation. All others are supporters of the annointed and join with them in worship.

    This is where the Society gets really sneaky with the doctrine of who is and who isn't a Christian. They leave it so confusing that most JWs themselves don't realize that they aren't part of the Christian congregation.

  • minimus

    I believe any JW would consider themselves a Christian/.

  • asilentone

    They said they are the most honest people on the planet. Bullshit! (Thecoratic Warfare Strategy)

  • hamsterbait

    The fact that they deliberately disobey Christs command to take the communion bread and wine means they are not practising true first Century christianity.

    John 6 "no one has eternal life unless he eats my flesh and drinks my blood"

    As pointed out - only the annointed form the true "Christian Congregation", which is why letters from Beth Hell now have this at the top: "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    There is the Christian congregation (annointed) and Jehovah's Witnesses(who are not).

    Nowhere in the NT is any distinction made, or is anybody told not to "take, eat."


  • tenyearsafter

    It would be interesting to ask your JW the question, "do you consider yourself a Christian?". When they answer yes, ask them "what does that title imply?". I suspect you would get a very convulated answer that would eventually follow a trail back to the FDS interpretation of what is a Christian. More than likely they will talk about Jehovah and his appointed channel. Then ask, "why even be called a Christian rather than soley identifying yourself as a JW?" I think they might be hard pressed to answer that certainly was a question I asked myself when I was in and I couldn't answer it!

  • SnakesInTheTower



    Snakes ()


    Minimus.."I believe any JW would consider themselves a Christian.".....How can any JW consider themselves a Christian,when their mediator is not Jesus?..It`s the WBT$!!..........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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