I posted this back during the summer but I think it has relevence here.
The three greatest teachings of Jesus…
Are all cancelled out by the practices and teaching of the FDS. Jesus gave three outstanding examples of what it is to be a follower of his and the actions and mindset that you should have, all three of these teachings or example's are diminished by the practices of JW's.
First, The prodigal son, for most followers this is a beautiful example of unconditional forgiveness and love. The impetuous young son demands his inheritance and has the party of a lifetime. Finds himself in dire straits and realizes, OK I messed up. If my father just takes me back as a hired hand that will be better than the life I'm living now. So he humbles himself and goes to beg his father forgiveness. Before he can even ask for forgiveness, in fact while he is still a ways off, his father see's him and demands that he be dressed in a fine robe and a sumptuous meal prepared. Of course his older brother is hating on him but the father explains his joy to have the lost son back no matter what he did.
From this story most can gather that forgiveness is complete and instantaneous. Whatever wrongs someone may do, as long as they cease doing them and turn there course around there is no need for extreme penitence. In no way should a so called faithful person look down or think less of one who has sinned or done wrong in the past. Of course dubs do hold every thing that you have done in the past against you. There are several steps, rules, and procedures one must go thru to regain a favored status in there eye's.
Second, the Good Samaritan. A man falls victim to robbers who leave him for dead. Three of his countrymen (read brother's or fellow worshipers) see his condition and avoid helping him. A Samaritan (read worldly person) comes by and see's his condition. Not only does this Samaritan help this man, he makes arrangements to see to his ultimate recovery from his injuries.
As we all know the dubs idea or extent in helping there fellow man, involves pushing literature on them and converting them to their faith. Now to make a convert some dubs will go out of their way to help a bible student. But just for the sake of doing what’s right they rationalize away the real meaning of Jesus’ words. While out of one corner of their mouths the espouse love of people as their main calling, in practice nothing could be farther from the truth.
Even among there own ranks there is divisions and dis-unity. Dubs will help someone as the absolute last resort or if forced or coerced. True love does not come natural for dubs there are steps and criteria to be met to be consider in the brotherhood. I mentioned all of these examples as they relate to dubs interaction with each other. When it comes to those outside of the BORG, worldly people are considered fodder for the dubs uses. A means to count time or use for the benefit of the dubs.
Finally on this subject, the future. The Good Samaritan made arrangement to continue to care for the man left for dead. It would have been easy for him to have called the police and got help for the man and left it at that. But, he went above and beyond that measure. He placed the man on his horse and got him to an inn and cleaned his wounds. He gave the inn-keeper money to continue his care till he returned. Future security is something dubs have no concept of, there own or that of their kids.
Due to their end of the world, Armageddon is coming tomorrow beliefs, dubs do not prepare for the future. They prepare for a future in the new world, but as for the here and now, nothing. They don’t have a plan for their kids, outside of encouraging them to pioneer and not go to college, and worse they don’t have a plan for themselves.
How many dubs are now in their old age living below the poverty line? People who worked and struggled their whole lives and have nothing to show for it. When the fund managers came around and offered info on company 401k program or IRA’s, what is the dubs first thought? I don’t need this Armageddon is coming gimme my money now.
Last and greatest among Jesus teaching, the golden rule. Simply put do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Simple, effective and crosses all barriers. Again the WT unwritten rules and procedures negate this command. They are taught and led to believe, that if one does not believe and worship as they do, such a scripture does not apply to them. Now this is the key to the whole structure of the dubs as an organization. The words taught by Jesus and the bible on a whole are meant to be applied to all people, regardless of race religion or creed. Except to Dubs.
They feel in their ‘holy chosen by God’ status that the words of Jesus are only meant to be applied to fellow worshipers.
Worldly people are not fit for them to show the love and compassion that Jesus told his disciples to have for all people. Once again this is of a two-faced nature. Out of one corner of their mouth they talk about how important it is to have love for fellow man, but carefully buried in their teachings is the opposite.
To insulate themselves from being ‘corrupted by worldly influences, They have subtle nuances and addendums to Christ words. When asked about giving to the poor and other charitable organizations they point to jesus words of ‘you will have the poor with you always’. Than they use circular logic to show that means the only hope for the poor, is to preach the good news(peddling their lit.)
Jesus said you should forgive others freely. The dubs place restrictions and parameters on their forgiveness. Jesus said to care for those you see in need, while the dubs intone that this refers to those in the faith. Jesus said to treat others in the way you want to be treated, again the dubs water this statement down. By their own rules and checklist for righteousness, they have a qualifying program of who deserves this treatment.