by Bill Parker 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    thanks for the bio

  • VeniceIT

    Actually Bill your Definition is what it says in the Insight book! My Saying it's just an illustration does not take away from the fact that we can either be good or bad. It was an illustration for his disciples as Peter clearly states in Luke 21 "Lord is this illustration for us or for all people".

    Your comment to me was unnecessary. I was just making the point that no one can claim to be the 'FDS' (that's faithful and discreet slave, not femme deodorant spray ) and have divine authority from God. That was my point. If your a JW GB, the Pope or just a regular guy. It was an illustration to show the disciples. Just like the others before and after it!!! You can't just pull one illustration out of the middle of several and say OK I want this one to apply to me so I don't want it to be just an illustration. Either do all of them or none, at least be consistent!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Richie

    Bill Parker...
    I was not at all denigrating you in any way shape or form!
    I was sarcastically bringing out how utterly ridiculous the Watchtower Society views things. The very fact that you are being ignored or shunned by other witnesses for no valid reason whatsoever, is just incredibly stupid. Shunning should only be done in extreme cases, but then only temporary, giving the shunnee (if there is such word) a chance to recuperate (regardless whether he goes back to the meetings or not). Bill, when I read your post, it created an anger in me against the WSBTS, as they do not follow bible principles in so many areas.
    I hope you are now understanding what I meant with my first letter on this post, as it was a play on words to highlight how judgmental they really are....
    Take care,

    :*) Richie

  • siegswife

    Bill Parker, I didn't read this post, because, as most of your posts, it was too involved. I have a question though. How in the world can anyone ever feel like they have all the answers? I'm pretty well founded in my beliefs, yet I don't think I have it ALL. How can anyone ever feel that they are in a position to create a black and white scenario that others must agree with or they are wrong? Who put you, or anyone else for that matter, into that position of authority?

    I don't care who you are, if you want to give me something to think about, fine...I can't find fault with that. But when you expect others to THINK and FEEL and BELIEVE exactly the same way you do, I find your motive to be suspect. What will YOU loose if someone else is right? What can you GAIN if you realize that they may be?

    How in the hell do you get to the point where you know it ALL? I know that the Bible says that Christ's followers will UNDERSTAND everything, but that doesn't translate to KNOWING everything in my Book.

    Who IS the faithful and discreet slave except those who testify to the TRUTH?

  • siegswife

    Bill, on reflection, (and realizing that I may have indulged in too much of the 87 year old rum that was at a 50th anniversary party that I attended tonight) I want to apologize for blasting you without reading your post. Whatever it said, I read the last paragraph and there is some truth in that, BUT I have to wonder about your motive anyway.

    I realize that there are alot of unbelievers here and that you might be trying to reach them in some way, BUT who are you to judge those on the outside? I've read some very insightful commentary from these people and I have to wonder if maybe we (people who DO believe in Christ) shouldn't be LISTENING instead of talking.

    I also realize that there is a very low tolerance for 'witnesses' that some may have, but aren't they themselves witnesses? Don't they deserve some validation from people who claim to know the 'truth'? Isn't it the truth that we all have something to offer? You may think that you are right, but are you? Who really IS the faithful and discreet slave? I don't see where that was answered in Matthew 24.

  • Mrs Rocky
    Mrs Rocky

    Bill - I skimmed through your disortation. The bottom line I think you are trying to get at is that there is no God sanctioned group to impart spiritual knowledge to mankind. God gave his holy spirit to help us understand scripture. There should be nothing between man and God but Christ. The WT GB has inserted itself into the equation by using Matt.24:45 to justify their position of control. I agree with Venice, it's an illustration! What really amazes me is how most JWs don't even notice how often the 'faithful and discreet slave' is elevated above Jesus, even in prayer. It's one of the things that helped me fade away.

    By the way, we haven't been to a meeting for almost 3 years. We've had one shepherding call since then. Small congregation here. Most of the elders have recently moved here from other parts of the state. They told us that since we haven't turned in a service report for such a long time (4 years maybe?)we can't really be considered Jehovah's Witnessess. We have too many close relatives to sever the ties formally so we're just trying to lay low. Was in line at the postoffice the other day behind the congregation PO. He didn't even acknowledge my existence. So I understand the shovel thing. Felt like I wasn't even good enough to be an apparition! Don't hold your breath on Jehovah cleaning things up. Been waiting for that too long - this congregation keeps having the same problems, just different faces.

    ...free at last, thank God I'm free at last! Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • avengers

    The unfaithful and indiscrete slave. That's what they are! How else could they have deceived us for so many years. If they're gonna continue this rampage, people are really gonna get pissed.

  • ozziepost


    I've just read your rather long post and the many responses with your replies and I have to say you don't convince me.

    What I have learned is that interpretaion belongs to no man (or woman). Read the Bible for what it is, God's Word to humankind. On this basis, Venice's comment to you, and Eman's too, that it appears in the Word as an illustration given by Jesus seems totally in harmony with the context.

    If Jesus wanted to convey to his followers that there would be a thing such as a F&DS class, why on earth didn't he say so? He seems to be perfectly capable of giving his disciples clear instructions on what they needed to know.

    IMO your argument demonstrates that in thought and reasoning you're still a Dub, even if you don't claim to be one right now.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Well, I did as directed. Look's like I owe you an apology. Sometimes I can be a real blockhead. I'm very sorry that I was so quick to jump. We can re-direct the scripture that I quoted to you, to the Watchtower Society. It fits much better there anyway.
    As to all of the other comments on the board. I do not really feel that I am anyone at all. I certainly do not feel that I know all things. Using my Bible concordance and Bible I sit down and try to dig out the things that I have learned in the past.I try to present those things as accurately as I can when I have researched whatever subject. One of the reasons I came on to this board in the first place was to perhaps find someone with a lot of Bible knowledge. One who was willing to impart said knowledge to me.That would have been a great help to me.I f I have conveyed the idea that I think that I know it all. That was done inadvertantly. IN my own mind I am merely just scratching the surface. If I am wrong in anything that I say, wouldn't it be a kindness to me if someone sat down, followed the same scriptural procedure that I try to follow, and correct me using the Bible to do it? Everyone on this board has the right to their own opinions. They have the right to express those opinions. If I did not continue with what I am doing how will I ever gain accurate knowledge? As I go along I may make many mistakes. Hopefully those mistakes will be brought to my attention in a manner that will not insult or humiliate me but rather benefit me and build me up. Not tear me down. That's been done to all of us. We all know how that feels. Now we need more than anything to be built up and encouraged. There are just too many comments here for me to try to address. I hope what I have said is sufficient for all. You all will notice that I didn't attact you or try to insult you as I have been on this board. If I get a little "skittish" now and then, well don't we all?

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I too am searching for truth.

    You will find the search in it self to be enjoyable, I don't think you are going to find anyone on the board that will be able to speak with absolute authority on Bible interpetation.
    Like in Pauls day we have only a "hazy outline by means of a metal mirror" of the truth.
    I think the reality is much grander than what we know about truth.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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