Have a hug, Flipper.
Has your Relationship with your Parents Improved or Regressed as you Aged ?
by flipper 29 Replies latest jw friends
SCARRED for LIFE- I'm sorry your mother never said sorry to you once in your life. It's hard living with someone who never apologizes. I had relationships with relatives who were like that.
FLYING HIGH NOW- Thanks for the hugs sis . Been feeling a bit sentimental lately about my grown kids and my parents . Hugs back to you. Thanks a bunch ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Since my parents are split, I would say it has improved with my father (The none Witness) as I was basically raised to hate him by my mother (The Witness). My mother, on the other hand, is about the same to maybe a little less. As she is kind of a little dingy and insecure at times and as much as I love her, she has things I noticed in her personality that kind of drive me a little nuts.
Edited because I'm a stupid head.
Big Tex of the Not-Paying-Attention Class
Big Tex
Haven't spoken with my father in nearly 20 years. Thankfully my kids have never met him. Hopefully they never will.
FREE2BME- I'm glad your relationship improved with your father ( non-witness) in spite of your mother's hate campaign against him. I have gone through exactly the same thing as your father with my witness ex-wife badmouthing me to my adult children for leaving the witnesses 5 years ago. My older son think's she's crazy as well, doesn't buy into it. But she has my 2 witness daughters 21 and 20 wrapped around her finger. It really sucks.
CRUZANHEART- You are not stupid. " Big Tex of the not paying attention class " ? I don't get it.
BIG TEX- I'm sorry things went bad with your father. You have my sympathies . I'm glad you have protected your kids
My Mother and I have a great relationship...as long as we don't get on the subject of the JW's. As she has aged, only her apostate son has been there for her to help financially, with driving errands, shopping, legal issues and medical issues. She still thinks the "brothers" are so wonderful, but with the exception of my JW brother, I have never seen anyone from the congregation help her in any fashion...other than get her a phone hook up for the meetings. It is a good but awkward situation between us. She loves her boy as long as she pretends I am not out of the WT, but she can't see the lack of "love" from the congregation. Very odd....
TEN YEARS AFTER- It is great that you help your mom out with shopping, chores, and care for her authentically ! It is very weird how blinded most witnesses are to the fact that non-witness people are very kind, and as you said many times more genuine in their caring for others than the witnesses. I think it's because we are doing it not expecting a reward- but because it's the right thing to do in helping our families. Sounds like your mom is like most witnesses. They are " mind controlled " to NOT see the difference. But keep up the good work ! You are a great son to her ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Thanks Mr. Flipper!
TEN YEARS AFTER - By the way . Love your avatar ! My wife and I really liked the group Ten Years After. LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper