Usually, the elders will take care of their own.
Describe The Jehovah's Witness Community
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
To add to me it is just sad everyone is just very drepressed in my hall. You know there is just no love even at the meetings no one hardly talks to each other. Yet all we here is love love love. How much better we are then the church's it is so sad.
:Describe The Jehovah's Witness Community'
A worldwide group of sticky ball bags, with no talcum powder.
I agree that their "love" stinks!
Nope, phoney. Everything, including the so-called "love", is conditional and quite temporary.
Just watch the behavior during a CO visit as opposed to the behavior normally. People will speak to you who otherwise never speak.
Or start an unfounded rumor and watch as everyone turns on the rumored person w/o bothering to ask if anything being said is even true.
Its stifling; people are always walking around as if on pins and needles and not as if their feet are firmly planted on the ground.
Emotionless "pretense".
1. In your experience, are Witnesses all about love?
2. Is the brotherhood really what it is said to be?
3. Did you feel the love from "the Friends"?
1. Some yes, others no
2. Of course not, and it weakens with every passing year....... the gestapo tatics and attempted forced conformity are very discouraging.
3. In some congregations yes, in others no .....only desperation and the mindless repeating of JW jargon in a feeble attempt to console one another.
125 years of carrot chasing wears a person down.
MY most 'utopic' moments were the brief Berean days of the late 70s/early 80s......... there hasn't been any 'meat' for decades, just molded tofu.
"Christ's Brothers" 'beat' their fellow domestics......... I think the taskmasters of Egypt were more kind.
Robots doing as they are programmed. Stepford wives, husbands and children.
I was raised in 3 different congregations and I would have to say that it depended on the congregation. There seemed to be vast differences.
Interesting, yet I have to agree. I've been to KHs from Europe, Latin America, to the US.The US is the only place where I've been and had an entire body of Elders be disbanned ... but now I know why since it was in the early 1980s. (The Franz split.)
I will say, the KHs in the other countries were far better than those in the US. Especially in the caring about one another category. My opinion, mind you. It has a lot to do with the culture of the country. The US is a 'me first' non community oriented environment and that rubs off on people whether they admit it or not. It's more stand-offish and distant by nature.
Think about how immigrants come from other places and band together as a community and lift on another up, etc. Its in their very being to be community oriented.
Robots doing as they are programmed. Stepford wives, husbands and children.
Not everyone is a robot, void of all emotion. Just the Elders. Monotoned bores.
Most joined because they wanted to be acceptable to God but they are always being told they are never doing enough. Can you imagine working someplace where you work your behind off doing well for the bosses business but the boss says you are still not doing enough? No raise, no thanks?
Jesus said he was a refreshment, his load was light ... not a heavy Pharasitic "rule oriented" PITA that causes so many to be on Prozac.
The JW community changed.
Of course, they were never what they said. The worldwide brotherhood is true, outside of the western world, but that has as much to with culture and hospitatlity practices as anything.
Those who are still under the spell of group think mentality and insist on trying to paint a wide variety of people with a small stroke will be disappointed to know that JW's are exactly like any other group.
When you join:
- Those that are nice, good and decent continue to be so after they join.
- Those that were anti social and self righteous before they became JW's continue on afterward. (these tend to our number the meek in many congregations)
- Those that were meek followers continue to follow
- Those that were ambitious and goal oriented quickly reach out within the JW hiearchy to attain position and prestige.
- If someone joined because they thought this was the most loving group, they look for that, find what they want to see, and hang onto it for as long as they can.
- If someone wants "the truth" and hates religion, they latch onto the company line, often at the expense of people. They become JW's as much for their own purposes. "Jehovah" and the flock become secondary.
What makes JW's different as a group has nothing to do with the personalities of the group. It has to do with the leadership and their cynical attempt to maintain authority through lies and deceit regarding the bible and their own history.