Yes, people are people. Their core doesn't change.
Describe The Jehovah's Witness Community
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
The Governing Body are normal guys, for the most part...
Randy..Bottom row..Second person from the right.....Your not fooling anyone!..Thats my Ex-mother inlaw!!........................
In your experience, are Witnesses all about love? NO
Is the brotherhood really what it is said to be? NO
Did you feel the love from "the Friends"? NO
Well it does not matter how long you have been a JW, if you get old and sick no longer out in service you are then forgotten. Disgusting!!!
Randy, all I see is red X
Thats Knorr, right?
Scarred for life
Well it does not matter how long you have been a JW, if you get old and sick no longer out in service you are then forgotten. Disgusting!!!
Leslie: I agree with you. This is what I have observed also. I have an aunt who is 85. She has been a 100% loyal JW for 55 years! I think she is one that partakes of the bread and wine(whatever you call that, I forget) She has done everything it is possible for women in the congregation to do. She has attended 99.9% of all meetings, gone out in FS once or twice a week, done a little pioneering, contributed money faithfully to the congregation, hosted JW weddings and receptions at her large home, hosted the Tuesday Night Bible Study for at least 50 years, been the meeting point for FS on Saturday mornings, loaned and given money to many, many down and out people within the congregation. started many, many bible studies with people and brought them into "the truth', hosted countless COs and DOs and fulltime pioneers and missionaries in her home. Now she has suffered a series of strokes. She has some dementia and cannot be left alone. Do you think the family members that are caring for her ever see anyone from the congregation to offer to help with anything or bring her anything she might need? NO! I'm a member of a Methodist Church. I know that our elderly and homebound are visited and called regularly. Meals are taken. They are provided rides to the doctor. The church makes sure that they are being cared for and helps out when needed or when looking for the right caregiver.
Once dazzled, now frazzled.
• to lose clear vision especially from looking at *bright light*
• to arouse admiration by an impressive display
• to fray (wear out or into shreds)
• to put in a state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue