Today at the meeting an elder said the following: "We don't want to focus on
the life that we have now, we have to focus on the life that we will have in the
New Order. What we will have in the future is so much better than what we
have now."
This is why JW's will sit thru boring meetings and hear the same things that
we heard 20 years ago and say how good the meetings are, and why they
will spend their time knocking on the doors of empty houses, and spend their
free time to prepare for meetings which is a rehash of the same material from
the past.
JW's will sacrifice the one and only life that they have for a future life that may not
even happen. The Bible says that there is going to be a resurrection of the
righteous and the unrighteous. The millions of non-JW's who live happy lifes
and help the needy and defend the country that we live in from those who want
to do us harm, and enjoy their families during the "wordly" holidays, and who
do not consider a vacation as sitting for 8 hours at a District Assemly so that
they can go swimming at the hotel, are not unrighteous people. But say that
they are unrighteous in the eyes of JW's, they will still be resurrected just like
the faithful JW's, so why go thru all of the trouble that JW's go thru to "earn"
the right to be resurrected in Paradise?
TooBad TooSad