Another JW Email

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I got this from another JWD'r who had trouble loading the images.

    If you can somehow post this to JWD (or JWN) please do so. I tried but couldn't get the pics to show up. I think it's one of the funniest JW emails ever!

    >Subject: Result of Chernobyl [JW] -- LOOK AT THE PICTURES FIRST

    >It is IMPORTANT that you look at the pictures BEFORE you read the message

    >You will appreciate this MORE if you do so. Thus go ahead and look at the
    pictures first. (Open attachments)



    One of the pictures attached is with a little boy. Take a close look at
    him. He is actually 21 years old and attended pioneer school in Kiev . His
    name is Sasha and he is a great example. The way he learned the truth is
    very interesting. One of our sisters met Sasha's fleshly sister in the

    She started studying, and Sasha would sit in on the study. This all
    started about three years ago. When he would sit in, the sister conducting
    the studies thought how nice it was for this little child (since he looks
    like he is only four years old) to sit in on the study - and also noticed
    how much he was understanding. She was really amazed at his comments and
    his intelligence. Then one day while looking at photographs, she noticed
    that in the photographs the girl with whom she was conducting the study
    was very young, but Sasha looked exactly the same. She started asking
    questions and found out that Sasha was actually older than his sister - he
    was 18 years old!

    He was four years old when the Chernobyl disaster happened - he stopped
    growing that year. Many children received medicine that helped, but
    because his mom and dad were poor and both alcoholics, he never received
    the help he needed. He is an incredible person. On top of his small
    stature, he also has a stuttering problem. But it does not slow him down.
    He is very zealous in the ministry and loves Jehovah. He's been baptized
    two years and pioneering for one year."

  • jookbeard

    simply dont believe it

  • JimmyPage

    Thanks for getting that to post, TOTH. Simply hilarious. Like something from "The Onion" yet JW's somehow believe every word.

  • LovesDubs

    And those arent really women they are smurfs in disguise.

  • rebel8

    This is the most reprehensible jw urban myth yet.

    On the outside chance that this is true, I will eat my hat.

  • purplesofa

    He is really a camera thief.

  • AllTimeJeff

    On the outside chance this is true, I will apply for reinstatement.

  • loosie


    That is such BS its insane. They are so full of S**t

  • loosie

    People died as a result of Chernobyl, not stopped aging becaus eof it. Geez if that was the case how many people would want to stop aging.

  • Mary

    "...He was four years old when the Chernobyl disaster happened - he stopped growing that year. Many children received medicine that helped, but because his mom and dad were poor and both alcoholics, he never received the help he needed..."

    Looking at that picture, I find this claim incredibly hard to believe. The kid in the picture looks like a healthy young boy of about 6 or 7 years of age. Even if he had stopped growing at the age of four due to exposure from Chernobyl, his facial features would still continue change and mature. If they didn't, and if he continued to look this good at 30, 40 or 50, then in essence, Chernobyl would have created a 'fountain of youth' for this guy.

    I'd say this is another crock of shit Urban Legend that will circulate amongst the JWs for the next 100 years.

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