That is a regular 4 year old boy. Anyone who actually believes he is grown needs to go to a shrink!!!!!
Another JW Email
by Tired of the Hypocrisy 31 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like BS. I don't believe a word of it.
Someone out there is laughing his ass off because of how many people are buying the story.
I hope someone here who has a Yahoo Answers account will post a question there, just to stimulate discussion about jw urban myths.
White Dove
We all know how he stopped growing. He was bitten by a *vampire*.
I think it is believable just like all the other things JW's tell me...NOT!
Boy I tempted to send it to my friend who is still a believer to see if she believes this email.
horrible life
I don't know of any medicine for radiation poisoning that reverses the growth pattern.
frozen one
I've seen this and it is a true story. In the first photo, the adult looking person is actually Sasha's four year old son. Because Sasha was exposed to radiation, the sperm he produces caused his son's mutation. Shocking. There is medicine that would have helped Sasha's 6'2" four year old, but Sasha and his wife are raging drunks who don't care just like Sasha's parents were. But the important part of the story is that Sasha can peddle the literature like the dickens, praise the lord.
When my wife got this email it was all I could do not to mock it. But I thought of the board first. I somehow put on a straight face and said, "Wow- please forward that to me!" I couldn't get the pics to post, but luckily Tired of the Hypocrisy did.
unless he was working AT THE PLANT when he was four....