Ok think about this for one moment. The Watchtower stays afloat by western society donations. So as the growth in western societies continue to decline and the growth is in 2nd and 3rd world countries how will the Watchtower remain afloat from donations from these places where some make a dollar a day? The poorer the recruits the less money you're gonna get. Please feel free to add your opinion on this matter and see how you see the watchtower possible moving offshore to some 3rd world country and make some bullshit excuse why they have to move. lol. Let me know what you think. Thank You
This just entered my mind! Open for discussion!
by Number1Anarchist 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"So as the growth in western societies continue to decline and the growth is in 2nd and 3rd world countries how will the Watchtower remain afloat from donations from these places where some make a dollar a day?"
Well let's see, they could: eliminate food service at conventions....change all book production, even Bibles, to cheap paperback....lay off thousands of Bethelites....sell off large properties to commercial developers....Cut in half the number of editions of "Awake" and greatly reduce the quantity of 'Study' editions of the Watchtower....
Oh wait, they're already doing that, aren't they?
For the future, expect: More bethel layoffs....possibly outsurcing printing to "worldly" companies...."Study" Watchtowers and Kingdom Ministries not printed at all, but sent as PDFs to congregations for download & printing locally...perhaps elimination of "Awake" entirely....perhaps elimination (or greatly reducng the role) of COs & DOs....More sales of Bethel properties in Brooklyn whenever real estate rebounds....
Barring catastrophic lawsuits in the near future, that should keep them afloat for the next 20 or 30 years, which is all the current crop of GB cares about....financing for the distant future will be the problem of the next generation.
Barring catastrophic lawsuits in the near future, that should keep them afloat for the next 20 or 30 years, which is all the current crop of GB cares about....financing for the distant future will be the problem of the next generation.
Ditto on this. They will shrink overhead based on the amount of donations. Credits - debits = amount of staff and work done at Bethel.
CTR once said something like "When the Lord stops providing the money, then we will know that the work for us is done"
Maybe they will get the point and go home??
.... I can't imagine it taking 20-30 years to really affect these people my guess would see some drastic changes within the next 5-10 years. Maybe bethel will move down to Mexico for some cheaper Bethelite employees like every other corporation or maybe they can talk the Chinese government into letting them move there printing business into China as long as they hire Chinese labor,lol
WTB&TS Bethel
100 Dong Jing Ting Road,
Zhong Yang Men Wai Nanjing China 210028
NUMBER 1 ANARCHIST - Very interesting thread . My wife and I have a lurking elder's wife we know on the board who told us that they just had a service meeting part in the last month or so ( I assume at all the meetings worldwide ) using the Societies brochure about the different ways that publishers can donate their trust funds, retirements, inheritances, life insurance policies, and estates and wills to the WT society . She said they totally discussed this and encouraged it. So my thought is - If the WT society keeps banging the drum and pounding the message across constantly to witnesses that they are " giving to God Jehovah " by giving their " valuable things " to the WT society - in my opinion they will successfully manipulate lots of $$$ out of third world countries as well - by using " guilt " to get the money . Just like all good cults do. Really nauseates me
You make a couple of good points Flipper. The use of guilt will be big in this country (US). They are already laying the groundwork:
Less expensive literature
Shortened Assemblies
Shortened Meetings
Sale of Assets.
I can hear it now. "Because YOUR love has cooled off, we have had to do all of these things! If YOU can't do more in the ministry to bring in more members, then YOU should be contributing more of your "valuable things!"
I agree but won't that also backfire on them increasing the pressure on its members who are already stressed out and on Meds. I guess a trip to the doctor to increase your dose of anti-depressants will cure that problem,lol Everyone is blameing the gas prices for the change in meetings but it's probly the Watchtower trying to save money because they have less money to work with.
New Light! Starting January 2012 we will be cutting down to one meeting per week so people can spend more time with there family!
The message will be loud to the elders, but subtle to the congregation.
With the decrease in meetings they can consolidate the congregations and sell off property. Have like 5-10 congregations per Kingdum Hall!lol