The message will be loud to the elders, but subtle to the congregation.
Ahrgggg, Watson, I was just thinking the same thing. It made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
This just entered my mind! Open for discussion!
by Number1Anarchist 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Kids, how do we quote??
Olin Moyles Ghost
IMO, it will take a long time before the Western slowdown has any real effect on the Society's bottom line. Why? Elderly Western JWs die every day, and many of them leave a large portion of their assets to the Society.
If you look at many congregations, they are full of old folks. Over the next 20 years, a large chunk of these Knorr-era JWs will die off. While these old-timers are typically not wealthy, even if they have $20,000 or $30,000 this can add up.
That's why there's a WT article every year about "planned giving."
Think about it. Once all the old dogs are dead and gone and all the pressure to knock on doors and not persue an education, Mormons are alot smarter they force there members to pay 10 percent of Gross wages. With 11 million members a guy said they make 6 billion dollars per year while the Witnesses only make a Billion. Think about it the Mormons push there people to get educated so there followers can donate more money. The Watchtower system is bound to fail unless they make drastic changes. I wonder why the Society never tried to open there own College? They really screwed up there. i heard they had there own highschool here i remember an Exbrother told me he went but that might have only been here in California.
Mormons are alot smarter they force there members to pay 10 percent of Gross wages.
I suspect the Society looks with envy on how well the mormons are trained to do this.
I also expect, sometime in the next 3-5 years, convention talks and WT study articles on the "privilege" that the Israelites had in tithing, to include a statement along these lines:
"True, we are not under the Mosaic Law today, and tithing is not a requirement. However, the principles involved in such an arrangement certainly would apply, and would lead to rich spirtuial blessings blah blah blah."
I.e., while not mandating a tithe, the Society in their typical "we're not saying it directly, but you all know what we mean" style will strongly encourage it, and it will be seen as a sign of "spirtual maturity" to have 10% automatically deducted from your paycheck.
Absolutley, all you have to do Brothers is go online to the Societies Homepage and enter all your Work information and the Socity can deduct it right out of your check. Think about it, If they start to pressure people to make more donations then the Pioneers will have to go back to work or they will have to decrease the hours to be a pioneer. So the less hours out in service finding new recruits to donate into the Pedephile fund. Either they way it's a lose lose situation for them.
TooBad TooSad
I can see it coming, a Watchtower article on the benefits of going back to the
original arrangement of Jehovah using the tithe and how Jah blessed the nation
of Israel when they offered Him a tithe and now how the spiritual nation of
Israel needs the tithe. They will lay it on hot and heavy and put a real guilt
trip spin on it to some how equate tithing with surviving the great tribulation.
TooBad TooSad
Kids, how do we quote??
You have two options: clicking on the " button will put your selected text in an indented format or highlight your selected text and go to Styles on the toolbar and select quote - that will put it in a box like on JWD.
That's why there's a WT article every year about "planned giving." are just too frikkin smart!!!!.........oompa
That's why there's a WT article every year about "planned giving.".......................If the New System is just around the corner,whats the point?.....The WBT$ does`nt believe a word they preach!!........................