Happy Circumcision Day. (Bit late sorry)

by ThomasCovenant 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips

    Yadda: Circumcision is an abhorrent mutilation that serves no useful purpose at all. What on earth possessed you to do this to your baby?

    It was done to me, with no ill effects. I watched the Jewban physician that delivered my son perform the procedure on my son a couple of days after he was born, it isn't such a big deal. There are members of my family who had it done as adults, for very necessary non-religious reasons. Circumcision is a hygienic, beneficial practice. Studies have even shown it is pivotal in preventing the spread of STDs, HIV included. Not that it is an important factor, but did I mention that scientific polls demonstrate that on average, women by far prefer a man to have an circumcised penis?

    Wintess 007: As a baby I was in this "club" and now I love it...don't remember having it done as a baby though!

    Neither do I have any recollection, or feel mutilated, and I have a perfectly healthy organ, and enjoy sex thoroughly.

    LouBelle: I wouldn't know but isn't it a little bit more healthy to be circumsised? in that bacteria could breed under the foreskin? (if you're not too clean)

    Even if you are clean, if you live in a very hot climate without the benefit of air conditioning, you can have problems. Which is why family members I mentioned above had the procedure done as adolescents or adults. For example, circumsized soldiers in Vietnam had far less jungle rot problems than their uncircumcized brethren. You can't always count on first-world conditions. Here is some pertinent information:

    Infections, initiated by the aggravation of dirt and sand, are not uncommon under such conditions and have even crippled whole armies, where it is difficult to achieve sanitation during prolonged battle. A US Army report stated that in World War II 150,000 soldiers were hospitalized for foreskin problems due to inadequate hygiene, leading to the statements: "Time and money could have been saved had prophylactic circumcision been performed before the men were shipped overseas" and "Because keeping the foreskin clean was very difficult in the field, many soldiers with only a minimal tendency toward phimosis were likely to develop balanoposthitis [268]. In the Vietnam War men requested circumcision to avoid "jungle rot". Similarly sand was a problem for uncircumcised men in the Gulf War [121]. Thus, historically it was not uncommon for soldiers to be circumcised in preparation for active service. The Judeo-Muslim practice of circumcision quite likely had its origin in Egyptian civilization , where there is evidence of a circumcised mummy at the time the Hebrews inhabited Egypt , as well as illustrations of the operation itself and of circumcised Pharoahs, dating back to 3000 BC [377]. One possible reason the Egyptians could have circumcised themselves and their slaves might have been to prevent schistosomal infection [377, 378]. Urinary tract obstruction and hematuria are common in localities such as the Nile Valley that are inhabited by the blood fluke , Schistosoma haematobium . The preputial sac would undoubtedly possess the adverse ability of being able to hold water infected with the cercaria stage of the life cycle of this parasite and so facilitate its entry into the body. The perpetuation of the procedure by the Jews may have subsequently been driven by a desire to maintain cleanliness in an arid, sandy desert environment. Such considerations could also explain why it is practiced in multiple other cultures that live in such conditions. In each instance, the original practical reason became lost as the ritual persisted as a religious rite in many of the various cultures of the world. In the Muslim religion circumcision is performed over a wide range of ages in childhood.


  • Elsewhere

    *** Faints ***

  • leavingwt

    The American Medical Association does NOT recommend routine circumcision for baby boys.

    You can read all of the nitty gritty details, here:


    I am advocate of letting the adult male decide if he would like to keep or dispose of his own foreskin.

    Bring. The. Whole. Baby. Home.

  • Elsewhere

    That Abraham guy must have been the king of BS.

    Try to imagine talking all of your buddies into cutting off the ends of their dicks.

    "Trust me! It's a totally cool thing to do!"

  • chickpea

    Bring. The. Whole. Baby. Home.

    better yet....

    have 'em at home and skip
    a whole lot of unnecessary
    procedures and interventions.....

  • leavingwt
    better yet....
    have 'em at home and skip
    a whole lot of unnecessary
    procedures and interventions.....

    Well, this only works for some mothers. My wife would have probably died at home. You'll recall that death during childbirth was quite common decades ago.

    I would never advise a pregnant woman to give birth at home.

  • gumby

    When my dad saw my dinger and the doc asked if he wanted me circumcised, my dad said "you better leave it on doc, it looks like he'll need all the skin he has".

    Uncircumcision rules!!!! Better orgasms, protection against invaders, and other stuff. Just imagine having no eyelids and think of all that dirt that would get in there. Plus, it gives a guy an excuse to clean it longer in case someone wonders why your spending so much time cleanin your dinger.....you just turn to them and say......"this is why.....ya damn dipshit"!

    Now, I ain't sayin i'm not, but what looks prettier.....an anteater, or a turtlehead?

    Here's a link for the pros and cons http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/82971/circumcised_vs_uncircumcised.html?page=2&cat=5


    ....and don't listen to anything Mary has to say bout this cuz she's anti-clipped minded

  • rebel8

    Random anecdote: I know a child that went into cardiac arrest during circumcision.

    Jewban physician

    What does that mean? Some sort of racial slur?

  • Mary
    Gumskin said: When my dad saw my dinger and the doc asked if he wanted me circumcised, my dad said "you better leave it on doc, it looks like he'll need all the skin he has".

    Ya...but that was back in the 1800's. Now they kin stretch yer dinger out to make it bigger, so you don't need no damn foreskin.

    Uncircumcision rules!!!! Better orgasms

    Um....exactly how would you know that?? Tell, tell!!!

    Now, I ain't sayin i'm not, but what looks prettier.....an anteater, or a turtlehead?

    A turtlehead.

    ....and don't listen to anything Mary has to say bout this cuz she's anti-clipped minded

    Don't worry, Gumskin......We'll get ya circumsized at the same time we get your dinger implant done.

  • BurnTheShips

    What does that mean? Some sort of racial slur?

    Not a slur, where I am from, that is what we call Jewish Cubans. Jewbans, or Jewbanos. Nothing bad is ever meant by it. It is an amalgamation kind of like Newyorricans.

    The American Medical Association does NOT recommend routine circumcision for baby boys.

    Neither does it deprecate it, and I would argue that this is partly a political amending to the previous AMA text.


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