Why are Arkansas men
by John Doe 88 Replies latest jw friends
"Arkansas sounds like alberta;)"...............LOL!!..Satanus thats is so funny!!.....I`ve never thought of that before............
White Dove
No, not that time. Parenting issues with my 17 year old boy.
John Doe
Typlical Arkansas Male
Bubba Hog
You're making my point.
Oh yeah? What would a blimey Brit know anyway?
Evidently a lot more then you JD. White Dove, you tell him.
Hey You John Doe!!!!!!>Oh yeah? What would a blimey Brit know anyway?
Your lucky I dont live near you Mate! Cor Blimey !!!I'd be there with a ruddy baseball bat .... Now you bloomin well say your sorry, ( walks away thinking these Yankee blokes !!!think they are something cant come any where near to a Limey bloke
John Doe
Yes Mam. I'm sorry. Don't hurt me.
White Dove
Weeeeeeee I knew it!
John Doe..The ladys are kick`n your ass all over the board!!..LOL!!..