Who? What? Where? When?
Why are Arkansas men
by John Doe 88 Replies latest jw friends
"Why would you want to take the country out of someone? "..Well said Mr.Doe!!.............I love the Canadian Wilderness.............................
Theres country
and then there's country
John Doe
Why you gotta show the neckid dude? He looks gay.
He probably is, but I got tired of looking for the right pic, plus I got a bit distracted.
Nite everyone, been fun.
John Doe
That's Cletus.
C'mon John. You know it moved.
We used to go camping in Arkansas with some witnesses there..he would always entertain us by taking his front teeth out and smiling at us..always good for a laugh...he also wore bib overalls...
His JW sons got busted for growning weed (Pot) in their back yard behind some trees...a helicopter spotted it..I never did hear what happened to them..last I heard they were fading away and talking divorce.
But he sure was a "Good old guy".
He had a good job at Mcdonnell Douglas and then they met the witnesses..They became witnesses..he quit his job and moved to Arkansas to be where the need was greater at the time..what did they do there?..What else..housecleanning...
Snoozy... who loves Mountain Home Arkansas...Many good memories
ps...It's a small world..his name was John...was he you?
John Doe
No, not me. My dad grew up in Mountain Home though.