Nicolaou said:.."Until yesterday I hadn't posted at JWD/N since August 08. Now I'm back I'm wondering if I've made a mistake, it just feels like all my fight has gone, I just don't want to argue with anyone anymore."
**** I'd call it PROGRESS!
One of the best changes in me, I'd say during the past six mos or so, is that I no longer feel the need to really change anybody. I had two Mormons come over two weeks ago for over an hour. While I took the time to help open their minds, and share reasons why I can't see any God choosing The Watchtower, Mormonism, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism etc etc as the only correct path to render him worship, I also made it clear that if they are happy being Mormon then good for them. You can live a good life as a Mormon. But even more importantly, for me, is that is truly how I felt. There was simply no burning desire on my part to destroy their faith and life as Mormons.
It was refreshing to not try to "win" anything. Simply sharing points of view. I really like where I am at today. I have a confidence today in my own views as well as a willingness to allow other viewpoints that I never really had before.
I used to mix it up with atheists for months at a time here and other places. Same with debunking Jehovah's Witnesses. For years.
Even with the JW's, my goal is now no longer to get them out as much as it is to simply show the WHOLE PICTURE. If they then wish to remain a JW, fine with me. At least they know the other side and not just what they are told by WT world.
But it's the defending the JW religion as God's only channel that's one dead end road for any JW anywhere. Sometimes I do like doing the TROUNCING thing for those arrogant types. But not so much anymore.
And usually those arrogant JW's sound just plain ignorant when even trying. I no longer feel the need to correct them as I did for my first couple of years out. That is what I call progress too.
So, if you've lost the drive to fight to change people's minds, I'd say good for you Nicolaou.
It's a nice place to be.