Human Perspective

by hamilcarr 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    Ah I see what you mean.

    The reason I "took a position" on that thread was initially because I think the JW view makes more sense and out of party loyalty, (I am still a Jehovah's Witness) and then because I like to read Leolaia's response, and latterly (apparently) because of my love-hate for Narkissos. But I made it clear at the start of the discussion that I don't think I am a believer. Sometimes I forget however.

    What motivates your question?

  • hamilcarr

    (I am still a Jehovah's Witness)

    An unbelieving Jehovah's Witness. How cute!

    What motivates your question?

    I think it has the potential of an exciting topic but I need more input to make sure

  • slimboyfat

    Well I still get a kick out of the idea that the JWs have a better take on something that other religions.

    What is it that gets you excited about this topic?

    I am genuinely curious because it leaves me cold. You might get three sorts of responses:

    1) an unbeliever who thinks the question is pointless because the Bible is just stories anyway so why try make sense of it?

    2) a believer who thinks it is a trick question and might paste something from answersingenesis or some other creationist website.

    3) a response from Narkissos, complete with reference to a 14th century Afghan poet, that I don't understand no matter how many times I read it.

  • quietlyleaving

    deeleted cos you were prolly thinking of something else

  • slimboyfat

    That's a shame it was certainly more relevant than the drivel I churn out.

  • hamilcarr
    deeleted cos you were prolly thinking of something else


  • BurnTheShips
    a response from Narkissos, complete with reference to a 14th century Afghan poet, that I don't understand no matter how many times I read it.

    He makes me feel stupid too. Very educated, that one is.


  • hamilcarr
    What is it that gets you excited about this topic?

    Feel free to correct me, but it's maybe in these instances that JW interpretations reach its "rational" limits, i mean these are the type of questions I would never have been able to answer as a JW.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Myabe there are several authors/editors in the same chapter? Moses did not say "I wrote Ch 1 of Genesis". So questioning the authorship does not necessarily make someone an unbeliever. Have you read the book "Who wrote the Bible?


  • hamilcarr

    That's an argument that applies to the two different creation accounts in Ge 1 & 2. I don't think it has anything to do with the interpretation of the account noted down by the priestly source.

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