If the account of the creation was written from a human perspective, it could
very well be that the man writing had a vision from the earth of what creation
looked like from the earth and that the cloud mass obscured his vision of the
already-existing stars and sun and moon (the heavens and earth that already
were formed before the 6 days started).
But going with that theory, once there was day and night visible in the vision,
then the writer would see a day end or begin. Creation had to take place in
just a few earth-days for the thing to be written by a human perspective.
I know, I know- Jehovah caused the writer to write that "on the third day"
kind of stuff into the book. The whole thing was from a human perspective but
inspired to include God's hidden timetable for Armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1975,
the 20th century, the future. Because by the time of Moses, wheels were
already in motion to bring about the salvation of mankind, JW's only.
Okay, then the creatures of the earth were all created on a single day. Dinosaurs
were walking around and must have been destroyed by the flood. Funny- they
were not mentioned from the human perspective. Carbon dating is all off because
of the water canopy.
If all this stuff is really so, you would think that God would recognize that Mankind is
ready to know the truth, and he would commission or "anoint" people to proclaim the
truth, maybe write in down in some magazine and deliver it all over the world. Oh,
wait a minute- He did that. nevermind.