Simon I think you are missing the point. I could care less about the people making remarks about her personal appearance. Those remarks strike me as juvenile, but maybe I just don't get it.
What is the point? I can't speak for the way Jduds in other countries act-- but in this country, the JWs do NOT extend help to their needy. I am not talking about some people in the congregation, Simon, who help their fellow man with their resources. I am talking about an ORGANIZED charitable giving program. The JW simply have NO SUCH PROGRAM to take care of their fellow men!
Catholic Church has Catholic Charities. You don't have to be Catholic to apply for help.
Salvation Army church has many charitable programs. You don't have to ge to their church to get their help either!
But the JW, who claim to carry the HALLMARK of Christian "love" don't have one formal program of giving to the less fortunate. The JW less fortunate turn to and request help from the very people whom they condemn in their magazines and at their Kingdom Halls.
THAT'S how I know the JWs didn't lift a hand to help her or anyone else.
Someone tell me I'm wrong. I'll be waiting.