Having a hard time understanding how calling JR Brown to give him heat about the wts' epic fail regarding charities pisses in the cornflakes of a woman who lives on the other side of the continent.
It's not as though JR Brown is really going to go to CA, is he? It's a way to open a dialogue about something entirely unrelated to this woman's life.
wts has--
- commanded adherents not to give to "worldly" charities
- insisted its own donors not specify that funds are used to help its members with their personal issues, such as disaster relief
- insisted members who have received volunteer disaster relief services to reimburse the wts
- never created its own charitable fund to help needy members
- created and permitted a culture where members utilize "worldly" charities to their own benefit, while insisting they not contribute themselves
- OTOH, has disciplined members for utilizing some charities (YMCA, etc.)
They deserve heat about it. I don't know why a phone call from the media is really a big deal. This woman will never even know of the phone call, probably. It has nothing to do with her, in reality.
Maybe I'm missing something.