Question about Universal Sovereignty, please

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    This is from someone that is waiting to join as soon as the site starts taking new registrations.

    He has a question for the board.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I also see ya posted my letter on the there really a lot waiting to get it 'in'? lol
    This is really the first board I have spent any substantial amount of time looking over. You all seem pretty tight knit and Im looking forward to being able to ask some questions and maybe share some thoughts with you all.
    Its great to see how each person has their own challenges and thoughts on things .I have many a thought to get feedback on myself. I'm 38 and was raised as a JW from birth.I never listened to my soul and still battle with it, even after being 'out' for a solid 10 years.You can leave it,but it doesnt leave you.
    I was never df'd and chose the easier and less confrontational 'drifting away'' hindsight,i should have left.No easy feat when you have a family thats spent multiple decades within the sure can be a big bag of hurt. Hopefully the bugs that are preventing me from being able to sign up as a member get fixed and I can jump in for discussion.I hvae spent a good chunk of time looking over previous posts and have quite a few questions for some of ya!

    If anyone here might be able togive me insight on a question it would be great.

    Of all the things that JW's teach, there seems to me to be one teaching that I struggle with. That teaching is the Society's view on the challenge of Satan towards God with the issue on universal Soverignty,originating in the Garden of Eden? Do you know if this is unique to the witnesses or not? I cant help but think that this teaching rides above all others. Its one of the few that actually even make sense on any level. I would love to read your comments.


  • Spectre

    I like to take it a step in the opposite direction.

    If an all knowing perfect God created everything, did he intentionally manufacture the "flaw" that would have been in Satan? Same with Adam and Eve?

    Free will.... blah blah blah.... he made them as they were so the blame falls back on him.

    Parents don't know how a child will turn out, but this can't be an excuse for God.

    And it takes 6000 years? Really?!?! Millions die every year from famine, disease, etc. and this is better than just killing of 3 beings at that point?

    Of course, I view the bible as Jewish mythology and don't believe a word of it.

  • jaguarbass

    Satin is probably the good guy, God is the bad guy at least thats the way it is in the bibles I have read.

    If you want more info read the Gods of Eden by william bramely and Zecahria Sitchin. Genesis revisited.

    If you want to be comfortable. Dont read them.

    Most people in the world are like Jehovahs Witnesses. They dont want to know the truth of what is going

    on because they cant deal with it.

    Religion, God, the bible among other things is a crutch. And a blinder.

    And like the comunist say the opium of the people.

    You are like Neo, If you take the red pill, and read the Gods of Eden, you will find how deep the rabit hole goes.

    If you abstain or take the blue pill the story is over.

    But you are questioning universal sovereignty.

  • Finally-Free

    I think the idea of a challenge to God's universal sovereignty was implied rather than explicitly stated. In the book of Job, Job's motives were questioned, not God's right to rule.

    In any event, one has to wonder, does the punishment fit the crime? If so, how many people can I kill if someone steals my banana? One person? His whole family? His whole race? Everyone who will ever live? Or should I just grow up, suck it up, and accept the grievious loss of my banana?

    Who really failed the "test" in the garden of eden? Adam? Satan? Or was it God himself?


  • jwfacts

    I was thinking about this very topic today (yes I have a sad life).

    Its one of the few that actually even make sense on any level.

    I think it makes no sense whatsoever. Jesus died 2000 years ago, so there is no reason for Armageddon not coming then, as the ransom had been paid.

    The Watchtower counters this by saying that we needed time to prove we cannot rule ourselves. For instance in this century several forms of government were invented (communism) that we needed to try to prove we need God as ruler. What rubbish. If capitalism was found to work perfectly and equitably, would God say he had lost and not step back in as our ruler? Of course not. Without God we continue to die and get sick. So from the day Adam and Eve started dying, man had shown they could not live without God and the sovereignty issue was answered.

  • sspo

    Why would a Creator and all powerful God have to prove anything to anybody.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    The words "Universal Sovereignty" do not appear in the Bible. The same can be said for a multitude of JW teachings.

    If the Bible in its 1500 pages does not mention something specifically, for all the sense that a teaching seems to make, it is merely a human interpretation. If the author of the Bible wished to indicate that "Universal Sovereignty" is the most important issue for him, he should have mentioned it hundreds of times.

  • leavingwt

    Allowing Satan the Devil to interact with Jehovah's brand new, fragile man and women -- with the possibility of them falling astray and affecting untold suffering on billions of descendents -- is sheer madness and sadism of the highest order, to me.

    This would be like dropping my small children off to play sharp objects and power tools.

  • snowbird

    The so-called issue of universal sovereignty is a non-issue in the Bible.

    As SSPO pointed out, the Absolute Sovereign does not have to prove anything to anybody. Nor does anyone have to prove anything to Him.

    I believe what the Bible teaches: A creature turned evil, and through deception and manipulation, seeks to destroy all other intelligent creatures.

    He deceived the first woman and manipulated matters so that the first man was ensnared in his web. The Creator came to the earth as a man in order to break up the works of that evil one.

    Case closed.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When a lawyer became the next prophet of the Watchtower they had new light that there was an issue of Universal Sovereignty and not before. It's amazing how Jehovah works through these imperfect men. It all makes such sense. W.Once

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