Question about Universal Sovereignty, please

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    :That teaching is the Society's view on the challenge of Satan towards God with the issue on universal Soverignty,originating in the Garden of Eden?

    I agree with the poster who said it originated in the book of Job, and Job wasn't even a Jew! God makes a bet with Satan. Now, it's bad enough that God is a gambling God, but what would have happened if Satan won the bet? Think about it.

    :Do you know if this is unique to the witnesses or not?

    It is definitely unique to JWs, but it has not always been the overriding teaching. For decades, the overriding teaching was the Vindication of God's Name(tm). Both teaching are asinine. Is God so pathetic that he has to "prove" anything to anyone?

    : I cant help but think that this teaching rides above all others. Its one of the few that actually even make sense on any level.

    I hate to rain on your parade, but I will now reveal the FUNDAMENTAL and most important and overriding doctrine of the Watchtower Society. Although it is not proclaimed as such. it is practiced as such and is more important than anything else they teach, because only it can override anything else they teach:

    "The Governing Body Speaks For God."

    Now you know.


  • truthsetsonefree

    I personally have always felt that this "challenge" is something manufactured by WTBTS so they could explain world events. After all, where in Job or anywhere in the Bible is some challenge put to God on the question of "universal sovreignty"? Even that term is something bot found in the Bible.

    Isaac Carmignani

  • watson
    "The Governing Body Speaks For God."

    Beautiful in it's simplicity.

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