Any Vegans on the Board?

by PrimateDave 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • inkling

    some people cannot digest meat, and for those people, it works. Dave, you could be one of them.

    This is an excellent point... Not that Dave is or isn't, but just that the "model" of human we are building
    an ideal diet for is really varied. Obviously high quality protein can be found in some meat and dairy, but
    NOT if your particular body cannot process them well, or without dangerous side effects.

    We need to use wisely whatever tools our genes gave us. If only I understood those tools better.

  • shamus100


    I can only dish it out - not take it. Please apologize immediately, or I'll cry. (yes, I was being fecitious in my answer, so spank me!)

    Yes, vitamin D, C, etc. can be gotten from other sources. But I sure love my meat. Spicy and dead.

  • llbh

    I am a lifelong vegetarian, only having never liked fish at all and meat in hardly at all. I just do like the taste, i am 6'4" in tall and so far very healthy. If i am ill, which is thankfully rare, i get over it quickly. My point therefore is, it is possible to be a vegetarian and remain very healthy.

    I know a bit about second class protein's and first. but i think the key to a good diet is a variety foods, ( in my case without meat and fish) and good quality food.

    regards David

  • inkling

    But I sure love my meat.

    This is another interesting point...
    When I say a diet that is part of "living well", that is clearly based on a value system of sorts.

    For some people, the enjoyment of rich and likely life-shortening diet is worth the price.

    What is the point of a long life lived in self-depriving misery?

    Not that a vegan can't love and enjoy their food as much anyone, but for someone who REALLY loves
    steak, what is the cost of their personal happiness paid so that they might live a few years longer?


  • beksbks

    Other than the whipping I'm giving Shamus, I'm about to whip up some whole grain pancakes, with blueberries and maple syrup. Peanut butter on the side. Mmmmm

  • shamus100

    And you make a good point too, inkling.

    I hate to say this, but I don't want to get old anyways. Because I'm relatively fit, I think that I will live long, but the time when I can't get out and do things, I'll be wishing for it. How long do you really want to live? And to think that you'll 'travel' and just kick back? That's not what I've seen from a single retired person. They like to be home, and do nothing.

    Let's all eat a bloody steak to celebrate. (weird looking cow...)

    "Outlaw, by the same reasoning, I can say I have seen a lot of meat eaters who are extremely unhealthy. "..

    .........Actually you can`t..Because..You have not applied the same reasoning......I said:"Generaly the meat eaters who stayed "Fit",did and looked the best"...........People who are "Fit",are not extremely unhealthy..So your reasoning does not apply.......................What ever you decide,I wish you the best of Luck!...........................

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • shamus100


    Why don't you put some hemp hearts on it too, you hippie. I'm going to cry now.

  • exjdub

    Dr. D'Adamo has written books on blood type predispositions, such as A blood types being best suited for a vegetarian diet and O blood types suited to be meat eaters. I am an "A" and have found that I function best with a vegetarian based diet, however staying on a vegetarian only diet is very difficult when you have a job that requires you to travel all of the time, so as much as I too would like to be vegetarian it is very difficult.


  • shamus100

    Tell me about it, exdub. I eat at grocery stores when I can. Eating out? Yuck! I hate entertaining sometimes.

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