Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?

by FiveShadows 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • recovering

    Ok you are forcing me to reveal more of my identity than I wanted to. As I stated before I am a lithotripsy specialist. A lithotripsy specialist is an allied health professional whose particular field of expertise is the treatment of calcifications/stones. I have taught lithotripsy in a major teaching hospital for many years. I have also lectured nationally on the operation of lithotripsy equipment, and procedures. I am posting my work Id to prove my credentials to you to you Vinny. I am going to try to correct some of your misconceptions.

    First of all your description of gallstones as I pointed out before is incorrect. You described them as soft .Gall stones are crystalline in nature and are very hard. Also in an earlier post you claimed to have passed one the size of a meatball. As I pointed out before, stones larger than 5 mm would have an extremely difficult time getting through the common bile duct. As a matter of fact even when gallstones are physically crushed in the gall bladder (Eswl) it is difficult to get them to empty from the gallbladder. Next as far as the proof you have offered in support of your claims. None are from respected peer reviewed medical journals. In fact one of your citations lists this person (Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.) She has been been involved in many incidences of medical fraud. Here is the Wikipedia article regarding her claims and the Food and Drug Administration and federal trade commission actions and sanctions against her. As the article notes even other Homeopathic (naturopathic physician,) practitioners have concluded that Clark's treatments were ineffective and that treatments based on Clark's recommendations "pose a substantive public health danger" Certainly, Dr Clark is not the person whose theories you want to be basing your medical well being on..

  • recovering

    Here is a much more authoritative reference with regards gallstones. The American Gastroenterological Association

    Please remember to consult with a reputable medical professional before undertaking any medical treatment

    I did not forget my promise to post my work ID Vinny lol


  • Vinny

    "Ok you are forcing me to reveal more of my identity than I wanted to." **** What's the point of doing that? I said what I said and still stand behind what I said. Revealing who you are changes nothing for me on this liver cleanse.

    "As I stated before I am a lithotripsy specialist. A lithotripsy specialist is an allied health professional whose particular field of expertise is the treatment of calcifications/stones. I have taught lithotripsy in a major teaching hospital for many years. I have also lectured nationally on the operation of lithotripsy equipment, and procedures. I am posting my work Id to prove my credentials to you to you Vinny. I am going to try to correct some of your misconceptions." **** I respect your background and credentials. But I still recommend this particular liver cleanse. You have not said anything to change my opinion. Sorry.

    "First of all your description of gallstones as I pointed out before is incorrect. You described them as soft .Gall stones are crystalline in nature and are very hard." **** Before they calcify they are softer. Even you should know this. The hardened ones that become lodged are what people often get operated on and have removed. They are literally like real stones. From:

    "The two types of gallstones are cholesterol stones and pigment stones. Cholesterol stones are usually yellow-green and are made primarily of hardened cholesterol. They account for about 80 percent of gallstones. Pigment stones are small, dark stones made of bilirubin. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. The gallbladder can develop just one large stone, hundreds of tiny stones, or a combination of the two.

    What causes gallstones?

    Scientists believe cholesterol stones form when bile contains too much cholesterol, too much bilirubin, or not enough bile salts, or when the gallbladder does not empty completely or often enough. The reason these imbalances occur is not known.

    The cause of pigment stones is not fully understood. The stones tend to develop in people who have liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections, or hereditary blood disorders—such as sickle cell anemia—in which the liver makes too much bilirubin.

    The mere presence of gallstones may cause more gallstones to develop. Other factors that contribute to the formation of gallstones, particularly cholesterol stones, include

    **** What came out of my body was close to a thousand of these, just as you saw in the photo from the link I attached earlier. They came out because I did that exact liver cleanse.

    THOUSANDS of other people have said the same. Case closed for me and many others.

    "Also in an earlier post you claimed to have passed one the size of a meatball." ****Okay a smaller sized meatball then, or a very large grape in size. But it sure was amazing to see come out. I was shocked actually. In fact there were probably a dozen large ones like this the second time I did the liver cleanse. And probably over a thousand smaller ones. "As I pointed out before, stones larger than 5 mm would have an extremely difficult time getting through the common bile duct." **** This is why you drink the epsom salts first, they open up the bile ducts and allow this larger stones/debris to pass through and out. How the heck else do you think these things got of me out then? Am I and the tens of thousands of folks that have had this happen all lying? Wake up and smell the facts and testimony of many people. Sometimes I wonder if those stuck in the medical world exclusively are just in some kind of denial. "As a matter of fact even when gallstones are physically crushed in the gall bladder (Eswl) it is difficult to get them to empty from the gallbladder." **** Read the above. "N ext as far as the proof you have offered in support of your claims. None are from respected peer reviewed medical journals. In fact one of your citations lists this person ( Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.) She has been been involved in many incidences of medical fraud. Here is the Wikipedia article regarding her claims and the Food and Drug Administration and federal trade commission actions and sanctions against her. As the article notes even other Homeopathic ( naturopathic physician ,) practitioners have concluded that Clark's treatments were ineffective and that treatments based on Clark's recommendations "pose a substantive public health danger" Certainly, Dr Clark is not the person whose theories you want to be basing your medical well being on.." **** I have never met Ms. Clarke. I bought her book 12 or so years ago and based on that book, along with the recommendation of many others, tried her suggested liver cleanse. And low and behold it sure worked! My wife and kids all tried it and once again it really helped clean out thousands of these stones, just as you see in the photos.

    Which is why when you type in "Liver Cleanse" on a Google search, this cleanse is all over the FIRST PAGE. Why not try it and then tell me what you think. Or is that not acceptable to you medical folks?

    "Please remember to consult with a reputable medical professional before undertaking any medical treatment"

    **** Sounds good to me. If you read what I wrote, you will see where I said doing that sounds great.

    But from my own experience, I have found the medical world to be quite lacking. Do you know how many medical doctors have suggested things like liver cleanses or colonics/enemas?

    The answer: ZERO.

    Yet both of these procedures have been simply intsrumental in helping my own health to improve. I feel healthier now at 46 than I ever was in my 30's.

    Homeopathic treatments and principles are a very large reason why.

    There are great things being accomplished in modern medicine. And I use it whenever a need arises too. But, for me, there is much to gain from following other homeopathic treatments as well.

    "I did not forget my promise to post my work ID Vinny lol"

    **** I am sorry you felt the need to expose your identity. This discussion was sure not worth it, IMO.

    Like I have said many times; that liver cleanse worked for me, many friends and all of my family. And has worked for thousands of other people. And despite reading everything you took the time to write, I would still suggest it to anybody else asking again.

    How about this: The next time I do that liver cleanse, why don't I send you what comes out in a nice little baggie? Will that work for you? Then let's see if you still want to try telling me it does not work.

    The Liver Cleanse WORKS! I have done it and seen for myself how it works first hand. Have you ever tried it?

    What do you think really happens and actually comes out of myself and all those other folks from that cleanse then? I look forward to you reply on that question.

    Let's see what you can come up with. Vinny
  • cameo-d
  • Vinny

    Look guys, I realize that making any kind of health suggestions/recommendations on a public website will often be met with skepticism and or criticism. Fair enough then.

    And I respect your right to disagree with my suggestion to the original poster (who believes he has an enlarged liver due to high cholesterol), to look into a liver cleanse that has worked for my family as well as many other people with similar issues. It was an honest suggestion because I know first hand that it does work. Which is why I believe it's the top ranked google site for liver cleanse today.

    So if you disagree, that is okay with me. Your intentions are sincere. I mean what is there to really debate here? I think it works and that he would benefit from using it. You think it's probably a bad idea, for your own reasons, though you have never tried it. But that's okay too. Let the original poster and anybody else interested decide for themselves. At first, I remember being skeptical too. But I'm also glad I gave it a try. It has really helped my wife especially, though we all benefitted as well.

    At least this discussion has allowed this liver cleanse to receive some attention, both positive and not so positive.

    Let's just move on to better things. After all, this is an EX-JW site and not a medical/homeopathic one.

    All the best!


  • recovering

    My argument is not one of a personal nature Vinny. I am just very concerned with the information you are disseminating. I am sure you really think that what you have suggested and claimed is correct. < Sigh> you are convinced and no matter what proof I provide you are not going to accept it it seems. I know for a fact that you are mistaken in what you claim . My fear is twofold.

    1 The most important is that some one will get sick following your advice.

    2 If others see us supporting a very publically discredited charlatan theories , they may be less inclined to believe what we have to say about the witnesses.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    "Gallbladder and liver "flushes" are widely advocated as a way of treating gallstones and helping with medical conditions ranging from allergies to cancer [1-4]. In the usual “flush,” half a cup or more of a vegetable oil is consumed together with citrus juice and Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate), usually after a brief fast. Many green, brown, yellow or black blobs of various sizes may later appear in the bowel movements. Some bear a slight resemblance to gallstones, but they are not stones. They are merely bile-stained "soaps" produced by partial saponification (soap formation) of the oil. A recent demonstration found that mixing equal volumes of oleic acid (the major component of olive oil) and lemon juice produced several semi-solid white balls after a small volume of potassium hydroxide solution was added. After air-drying at room temperature, these balls became quite solid and hard. When formed in the intestine, these objects absorb bile and become green [5]. It has also been shown that red dye will appear in the interior of the “stones” if consumed with the oil"

    My mother has done this twice and swears that they do her good. I don't have the heart to tell her that it is just a 'magic' trick that could be replicated in a bottle.



  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    You should focus on liver health NOT body biulding. Your Liver needs a break. As others have suggested "Milk thistle" is good and a vitamin suppliment. Organic green sugar to a minimum while enjoying fruits and vegetables with just some lean meat every second day.

  • cameo-d

    Ok you are forcing me to reveal more of my identity than I wanted to. As I stated before I am a lithotripsy specialist. A lithotripsy specialist is an allied health professional whose particular field of expertise is the treatment of calcifications/stones. I have taught lithotripsy in a major teaching hospital for many years. I have also lectured nationally on the operation of lithotripsy equipment, and procedures. I am posting my work Id to prove my credentials to you to you Vinny. I am going to try to correct some of your misconceptions.


    The fact that you would reveal so much of your identity knowing the risk that this could bring much trouble and sorrow, says a LOT about your strength of character.

    The reason you have done this is to speak the truth because you know it could mean life or death for someone else. You have INTEGRITY, my friend.

    There will always be arrogant dumb asses in this world who will not listen to reason. They have been trained to believe that they cannot be wrong, and it seems to be a conditioning that hangs on in all matters. Fortunately, I am sure you will reach some who have broken through the maze and have learned to be more discerning and weigh evidence.


  • Vinny

    Cameo whines:..."There will always be arrogant dumb asses in this world who will not listen to reason."

    **** Exactly! And I count you as one of those.

    Cameo whines:.."They have been trained to believe that they cannot be wrong, and it seems to be a conditioning that hangs on in all matters."

    **** Who Trained you to believe this way? Just take off your blinders and look at the facts. Maybe then you will not be stuck with your narrow views despite what the evidence and numerous personal testimony shows.

    Cameo whines:..."Fortunately, I am sure you will reach some who have broken through the maze and have learned to be more discerning and weigh evidence."


    **** Which is exactly what I have done and probably hundreds of thousands of other people just like me. Through discernment, a weighing of the evidence and then deciding to TRY THE CLEANSE ITSELF, many people are now grateful and have benefitted and then happily share it with others. With folks just like you Cameo!

    Have you tried the Liver Cleanse Cameo? NOPE.

    Has Vinny and Family tried it Cameo? YEP.

    Have THOUSANDS of other folks tried it and and liked it Cameo? YEP

    Then who is in a better position to make share an honest opinion about this cleanse and what it can do for you? The one who's examined and tried it twice himself (along with his entire family and numerous friends), or the one who just whines and cries about it without every actually trying it?

    Sounds pretty simple to me.

    I must admit I cannot say it any better than you already did: "There will always be arrogant dumb asses in this world who will not listen to reason."


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