This is a joke, right?
You list "blockage of the bilary ducts" as well as pancreatitis (due to this same "blockage of the bilary ducts"), as life threatening risks. Yet, you ignore the fact that the Epsom Salts taken before the olive oil OPENS UP THOSE BILARY DUCTS so that these very large stones that you say are ((("found throughout your body"))) can pass through and OUT OF YOUR BODY.
Just like you see HERE:
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
Now, smart guy, tell us just HOW YOU SUGGEST getting all those stones, that you say are inside your body and that you say can "block the bile ducts and even cause pancreatitis", OUT OF YOUR BODY?
Please tell us.
You either leave them in your body, so they can continue to slow you down, wreak havoc and cause other complications/problems/issues.
Or, when they get really bad, guess what else you can do? Good ole SURGERY! Now that sounds like a plan.
Or, how about this idea: Why not simply FLUSH all those stones found throughout the liver and gall bladder (that you say "can block the bilary tubes and cause pancreatitis and other problems"), OUT OF YOUR BODY with a proven effective LIVER CLEANSE?
Now THAT'S a concept, eh?
But then you say the epsom salts themselves (that open up those bilary tubes and allow flushing of all those stones that you say can block the liver, gall bladder, cause pancreatitis, jaundice, fever, vomiting etc etc) can also cause negative side effects.
Yet those epsom salts are why ALL THOSE STONES CAN GET FLUSHED OUT OF THE BODY!!!!
I guess we can always go for the SURGERY ROUTE and all the side effects that comes with that then. What do you think of that?
Or, better yet, let's just LEAVE ALL THOSE STONES IN THE BODY. There ya go. No side effects that way at all. How bout that!
And it's funny, how nobody that I know from my family and friends of had any negative side effects from drinking those epsom salts aside for the bad taste.
Anytime I see a tv commercial for over the counter meds, you get to hear ALL THOSE POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS TOO. (Sometimes MOST of the commercial is about all those 'possible side effects'.
But guess what? People take those meds anyway because the benefits often outweigh the exaggerated side effects.
So if there are some unpleasant side effects from removing hundreds to THOUSANDS of those stones and other unhealthy things from your body, most folks would say well, I guess it was worth it. Especially if the quality of life after cleansing and after removing all that bad stuff (that you say can block bilary tubes/ liver/gall bladder/cause pancreatitis/jaundice/ Etc), is always so much better.
Or, just leave them all in you then. I guess that's what folks like Cameo and Recovering would suggest.
Or, let's just wait until it's so bad the good ole surgeon gets to have a shot at you. Bet they like that idea even more.
Reaping the benefits
Anyone suffering any of the following symptoms or similar ones is likely to have hundreds, if not thousands, of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver:
Food cravings, diarrhea, constipation, hernia, flatulence, haemorrhoids, breathing difficulties, hepatitis and other types of infection, high cholesterol, pancreatitis, heart disease, brain disorders, duodenal ulcers, nausea and vomiting, a "bilious" or angry personality, depression, impotence and other sexual problems, prostate diseases, urinary problems, hormonal imbalances, PMT and menopausal symptoms, problems with vision, puffy eyes, all skin disorders, liver spots especially on the back of the hands and facial area, excessive weight or wasting, strong shoulder and back pain, a pain at the top of the shoulder blade, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, dark color under the eyes, coated tongue, scoliosis, gout, asthma, headaches and migraines, tooth and gum problems, yellowness of the eyes and skin, sciatica, numbness and paralysis of legs, joint diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, chronic fatigue, kidney diseases, cancer, MS, ME, cold extremities, excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body, very greasy hair, to name some.
By removing the stones through a series of liver cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance), and consequently maintaining a reasonably healthy diet and lifestyle, the liver returns to its natural efficiency, and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Energy and well-being notably increase with each cleanse.
Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones may indeed be one of the most important and powerful procedures around to dramatically improve one's health and raise the body's vibration. By re-opening the bile ducts, the body's energy circuits becomes restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit.