Why more women than men?

by Mickey mouse 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Why do you think more women than men are drawn to the borg ?

    Years ago women were more likely to be home during the day when the JW's came a-knocking but I doubt that's the case today.

    My husband and I were discussing this and I said that I think more male converts would have an issue with the authoritarian structure of the organization than the female ones. Also, I think the impositions upon a person's sexuality are especially difficult for men. Not to say that women have it easier but I just think women are easier targets.

    What are your thoughts?

  • sweetstuff

    Our empathetic natures leave us more vunerable to grand dream of equality and peace for all. What makes us nurturers can at times also make us naive or exposed.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Could it be the association of the age long conditioning of you girls being promised the world, of being sweet talked by guys who tell you how wonderful life is going to be, of being told that you are near to perfection, and how you will live happily ever after with the euphoric bliss of spiritual and physical perfection, only for it all to fall apart at the seam when those empty words turn into thin air….???

    because lets face it, you girls fall for that one nearly every time……

  • Quirky1

    The women are easier prey/targets. They are usually he one sitting at home doing taking care of the house while the husbands is working. They are lonley and eager for attention or association. Therefore they are more apt to having JWs around and a bible study. Then they really get tangled into the web of the love bombing when they attend the KH. I seen this happen with my MIL.

  • primitivegenius

    ok im gonna go out on a limb here and say.............. there are more women on earth than men.

    i dont think that it goes much further than that, i certainly dont think that men see through the bs more than women do. besides look at the difference between male and female roles in the cong.

    you're male.... so if you want a position in the borg........ you just have to have the right bulls***. start out and appear to be eager and reaching out for privledges............ so your bapt, a ms, then an elder. whats next........ if you can speak well from the platform and can spout the societys bull like you believe it............. your gonna be a PO before long. might have to move "where the need is great" but its not hard. then you give your parts at the conventions and assemblies....... poof before long you have people buying into you and you're practically worshipped.

    you're female........ you can have plans for betHELL, you can help build every kingdom HELL in your state, plus internationally even. you can have 15 biblestudies a week, and clean the kingdom hell bathrooms every day.............. and pioneer............. so now the best you can hope for is to land an elder husband.................. thats it, glory by association.

    so comparing the two, its good to be male in that cult. you appear to be more powerfull and almightly ELDER.......... then you get to pick from among the sisters who you want to pursue...............( naturally they will feel blessed that you would even consider them) come on guys how many old guys in the borg did you see with the hot young wives.

    sad thing is that they probably have been asked out by good men, outside of the borg, who would have treated them right. instead they mostly get tyrants who think 'cause they are male that they can get away with everything.

  • mkr32208

    Most religions have more women than men, some considerably more so!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Women and men both want the answers to the deeper questions in life, but
    men are much more distracted by American football on the weekends or other
    sports watching or participation in all parts of the world.

    Even in today's modern time of women working outside of the home, women
    tend to get stuck with a load of cooking and childcare in the evenings, so they
    look at getting out of the house to have a break. Men largely look at staying
    in the house to get a break.

    All those factors make it easier to get a woman into the Kingdom Hall.

  • beksbks

    I feel Sweetface's answer is the closest. Women feel more responsible for the families spiritual and emotional well being. Their eternal soul and all. Things of the mind and heart. Men are fairly simple creatures more concerned with the immediate physical needs.

  • Satanus

    They are attracted to the big, alphah male, yhwh, who promises to smite all their enemies, take care of their every need, let them have umpteen kids, etc. 'Course, that's set in the indefinite future.


  • truthlover

    It was women who stayed with Jesus, most of the men left, it was women who were there after his resurrection and who went to the apostles to tell them he had risen, it was a woman he spoke with at the well, it is both men and women who are of the "annointed", it seems like the spiritually aspect seems to be stronger, maybe or maybe, males are decreasing in this world and we women are taking over!!!

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